Disorientation - GMod Random Clip Show Created 16 years ago2009-01-08 10:19:16 UTC by The Wildcat The Wildcat

Created 16 years ago2009-01-08 10:19:16 UTC by The Wildcat The Wildcat

Posted 16 years ago2009-01-08 10:19:54 UTC Post #261274
Hello everyone.

After much work, my random clip video is finished and since I was posting on a couple of other sites already... I thought that I should stop by and share it here.

A few months ago, I was playing Gmod. I had been considering making a random clip video after watching some of the Half-Life 2 Robot Chicken videos. I thought I could do something like that but with my own style.

Some time later, I watched the Idiots of Garry's Mod and "Press Start" by Katana and felt inspired to make my own even more so.

Then, during that night in Gmod, I stumbled onto a server called "MAKING A MOVIE! (Join) - Server" and thought about trying out a few tricks on a server set up for videos. I joined while it was empty and some other players later joined and asked if I was making the movie.

Of course, I said no. But I had started to have some more interesting clips and some ideas began to form. I started recording clips on a "just in case" basis over the next few days.

Then one day, When I had started to get a little more serious about my video... which was made with free fraps at the time... a player calling himself "Danny the Magical Turnip" or just "Danny the Turnip" joined and asked if I was making the movie.

Once again I said no, but added that I was recording a few clips for a possible random clip show later on. He became very enthusiastic about the video and wanted to help out. He came up with several of the clips that are in the final product.

Disorientation turned into a bigger project then I had originally expected. I switched to Source recorder during the filming and most of the video is made using that. But I kept most of the fraps stuff as well... just because I didn't feel like re-shooting.

I'm using Google Video because the final video became too... big for YouTube. Also, a two part version is uploaded on FileFront such that it would offer slightly better quality... 33+ minutes worth.

Google Video [Full Program]:

FileFront [Higher Quality]
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-08 10:51:37 UTC Post #261275
Sorry. I could only last 20 minutes.

30 of the same stuff is far, far too much.

The production quality was superb. A tad below Idiots 2, but still great...

it just didn't make me laugh, i'm afraid.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-08 11:04:14 UTC Post #261276
"GMod Random"

Gmod user's definition of "random" is the same as my definition of "torture". Sorry to post in a thread just to be so negative, but I won't even click the link, as I know exactly what's on the other end of it.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-08 13:13:59 UTC Post #261279
At first I didn't believe Penguinboy. After 15 minutes I truly trust him now.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-08 15:25:52 UTC Post #261284
I couldn't last a second. It was really dark and people often say my pictures are dark which look bright on this monitor so...

But to be honest it wasn't my humour. That gmod video Striker linked in the shoutbox with the dark humour cracked me up. I'll give you a +1 for effort though.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
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