Created 16 years ago2009-03-03 14:17:20 UTC by
Frozen Storm
Just go to vertex mode and ctrl-select the outer vertices on both ends, and drag them down. (for the third set of pics at least)Ah, I couldn't find the vertex mode, now I found it and this of course makes it really simple.
This seems um, pretty simple to model, i mean if you can't even make this in gmax you might want to consider some very basic tutorials on how to use it.Yes, I would definitely need some tutorial which would explain all the tools usable in gmax, this is the first time I use it. But I've tried googling and found nothing that would be on less than 50 pages and would explain all the tools, or at least the ones that are used the most.
For the secod set of pictures i would just extrude the end faces out, and then weld back the extra vertices to get the desired shape. I know there is are many other ways to do this, but that's just the way i would go about it.OK, but I can't seem do anything with the Face Extrude tool... Whatever I input, however I move the xyz axis thing, nothing happens...
And btw why are you bothering with gmax anyway. hasn't it been unsupported/dead for quite sometime? What game are you modeling for?I thought you were supposed to model any complex geometry because the game can support more epolys than wpolys...
Technically, this IS related to half-life.Wow the first post i can think of ever agreeing with Darkie.
cough *cough torrent *cough download this shit here *cough&OK I went and downloaded legally acquired it.
You have a link to that? Google gives me al kinds of results...I was referring to gmax as a lite version of 3ds max
Maybe start a new thread?Yeah, I might try that next time. But in this case it was a similar subject, so...
1)google "clone objects milshape" A lot of the results are for milkshape tutorials for The Sims, but you'll be able to use many of the techniques--such as cloning brushes(objects) in making your HL models.OK, thanks I'll have to check the techniques on the other computer.
2)Not sure what are acceptable wpoly counts for Half-life. I think as long as your in-game performance is ok you should be fine. As you become a better modeller, you'll find what are the most efficient ways to build things.Well, the problem is that I map for CS (multiplayer) which means that someone might have a worse computer than me (although it's highly unlikely, but it's still possible) and then it would cause problems to him even though it would work fine for me.