Two Noob Questions... Created 15 years ago2009-06-08 21:38:17 UTC by kkkaiden kkkaiden

Created 15 years ago2009-06-08 21:38:17 UTC by kkkaiden kkkaiden

Posted 15 years ago2009-06-08 21:40:32 UTC Post #268097
I am using Valve Hammer Editor and making a map for CS 1.6.

How do I insert models?

Is there an easier way to compile my map instead of clicking the 'Run Map!' button in Valve Hammer Editor? it takes like 5 minutes to compile..

EDIT: One more question, Is there a better looking way to make a light. One that makes the light look more like a light, I think someone said it was texture lighting or something but I couldn't find a tutorial on it.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-08 21:55:27 UTC Post #268098
Ok It depends on what model you want to enter into your map.
you can use a cycler, and browse for the model in your directory. Just make sure to take off the first part of the filepath and just leave the "model.mdl"

Or you can use a monster furniture for the same effect.

you will have to use CLIP brushes to make the solid parts of the model.
(A clip brush is a brush that's invisible in game but you can still run into it, and can shoot THROUGH it. It looks like the AAA trigger only white. - a dudes face)

And for texture lighting here's a fast tutorial:

Take any texture you want, in this case, "generic_001" and add it into your lights.rad file with the brightness and color you want.

Your lights.rad file is located in the folder with your compile tools in it. CSG, RAD, ect ect

Anyway. To set it up for a white light with brightness 500, you would type it like this

GENERIC_001 [TAB-KEY][TAB-KEY] 255 255 255 500

You can also follow the way that the other lights in there are made.

Anyway once you compile, any surface that has the texture GENERIC_001 applied to it will emit light. If you take a light entity and set the color to whatever you want, you can just copy the 3 numbers from there to get the color.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-08 22:03:47 UTC Post #268100
a five minute compile is nothing.

I miss the days when my maps were small enough to compile in 5 minutes. They tend to require leaving my PC on all night to compile :pwned:

A better alternative to compiling for goldsource is The Compilator
It means you don't have to run hammer while compiling which saves precious system resources.

But yeah, seriously, 5 minutes is nothing.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-08 22:12:41 UTC Post #268101
I still can't get it to work i'm using cycler_sprite and i get
"Fatal Error Mod_NumForName: Bigtree.mdl not found".
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-08 23:02:55 UTC Post #268102
Don't use cycler_sprite.
that's for sprites.
Use a cycler if available (which i dont think it is for CS)
Try a monster_furniture
And for test compiles, use fast mode.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-09 00:10:34 UTC Post #268104
Don't use cycler_sprite.
that's for sprites.
Use a cycler if available (which i dont think it is for CS)
Do use cycler_sprites, but build clip brushes around them.
Don't use cyclers. They will "bleed" when you shoot them, and will change animations (if there is more than one) each time you shoot it. They also use the model's hit boxes to determine what part of the model is clipped off. This is bad because it usually results in things like leaves on a tree or bush to be impassable.
Cycler_sprites won't have any of these problems, and are perfectly suited (and widely favored) for model props.

As for your error, just make sure the path is correct.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-09 01:44:01 UTC Post #268105
Do use cycler_sprites, but build clip brushes around them.
This works, ive done it, but my Hammer for some reason shits itself when i use a model, as soon as i close the properties windown Hammer crashes...

And seriously...5 minutes is nothing...some of my maps take 2 and a half days to compile :crowbar:
"Fatal Error Mod_NumForName: Bigtree.mdl not found".
This is probably because its looking in the sprites folder by (sprites/bigtree.mdl) you want it to look in (models/bigtree.mdl)
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-09 02:51:06 UTC Post #268107
You need to have the right FGD, then use cycler_sprite. Clip it, because the model is non-solid. Example path:

BAD: c:\programs\hammer\maps\yourmapfolder\models\yourmodel.mdl
BAD: c:\programs\steam\steamapps\acount\cstrike\models\yourmodel.mdl

GOOD: models\yourmodel.mdl

The base for looking models is ctrike folder. The order your models you need to place them in models. No from the cstrike path you only need to say where the model is. Thats /models/yourmodel.mdl. Pretty easy.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-09 03:11:30 UTC Post #268108
This works, ive done it, but my Hammer for some reason shits itself when i use a model, as soon as i close the properties windown Hammer crashes...
The same thing has been happening to me for years with the HL fgd. I just use cyclers in Hammer as placeholders, then switch over to the CS fgd, which apparently is a-ok with cycler_sprites, and replace all the cyclers.
I've never bothered to find out why.
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