A few questions Created 15 years ago2009-06-24 22:40:33 UTC by naserve naserve

Created 15 years ago2009-06-24 22:40:33 UTC by naserve naserve

Posted 15 years ago2009-06-24 22:40:33 UTC Post #268822
I have a few questions related to mapping for gldsource. First, is it possible using just HL1 resources to make a grunt totally ignore the player, I have him gagged, prisonered, and pre disastered and he still stares at me. He is also supposed to be in a scripted sequence but the moment he sees me he stops following it. Also, what do I need to do to use entites from Op4? I would like to be able to use Otis and some of the other weapons and enemies, do I just need to load the FGD and the wads or what?
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-24 22:47:34 UTC Post #268823
Well what if you teleport gordon out of sight, and use a camera sequence for the cutscene?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-24 22:52:22 UTC Post #268825
I suppose I could do that for some of it, but I want him to be able to walk through cooridors, look out window and see grunt moving about and guarding their encampent. I know OP4 has friendly grunts but I'm not quite sure how/if I can use the OP4 FGD with hammer 3.5
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-24 23:45:21 UTC Post #268826
You can actually use a scripted_sequence to lock them into a certain animation. just use "idle1", "idle2", "combatidle", etc. in the scripted_sequence's idle animation field and he'll stand there indefinitely. Unfortunately, he won't cycle through animations as normal, but I doubt anyone will notice.

If you just have the grunt pacing around, it's even easier. Just make sure the grunt has his "Prisoner" flag and the scripted_sequences are all flagged with "No Interruptions" and "Override AI"
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 00:01:15 UTC Post #268827
Son of a bitch he keeps looking at me!
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 00:06:09 UTC Post #268828
let him know that you're the boss. put that bitch in his place!
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 01:07:15 UTC Post #268829
Got it finally, but you can see him twitching, oh well.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 02:06:07 UTC Post #268830
Is the animation still playing though, or is he standing there rock solid just kind of twitching? If his animation isn't playing, you must have done something wrong. You have to be using an animation specifically designed for idling, so "idle1" is probably your best bet. Some animations may flicker as they were not designed to be looped. Also have the grunt move to position instantaneously (although I'm not sure if this will change anything)
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 02:33:00 UTC Post #268831
Well I have him on "converse1" indefinetly, but I solved the twitching by cutting out the multi manager. It was repeating the animation which made him twitch.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 07:41:50 UTC Post #268836
Is he still looking at you?
And TBH, If i were standing outside guarding a boring encampment, someone walking across a window would grab my attention for sure.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 11:12:11 UTC Post #268837
Also, what do I need to do to use entites from Op4? I would like to be able to use Otis and some of the other weapons and enemies, do I just need to load the FGD and the wads or what?
You'd need to map for Op4, But different zombies and otis can be made with Spirit, as well as a downgrade of the Cleansuit scientist (Normal scientist, no hazard protection)
EDIT: I thought there was a "no interruptions" flag on scripted sequences... So they don't do anything... Or is he supposed to die as well?
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 13:33:38 UTC Post #268859
I sorted the grunt out, it's all good. Now this Spirit thing you speak of Jeff, where do I get it and how do I make it work.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 15:26:32 UTC Post #268864
Exactly the reason I have this page bookmarked: http://www.goannasvencoop.com/sphinx/FTP/mods/spirit_of_half-life/
I recommend 1.5a1, It's not the latest official build, but the latest (1.8) is terribly buggy and adds nothing that I can find.
Simply install it as a mod, or integrate the source files into your custom code, and you can make entities move with one another, give alternate models to NPC's, and all sorts of neat stuff.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 17:28:59 UTC Post #268875
Ok, so I get rid of my Half Life FGD and load the spirit one and run my maps through spirit?
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 17:34:04 UTC Post #268876
Yeah, it's not so practical for standalone HL maps, but if you're making a mod, then spirit is probably the way to go, because of it's features.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 17:50:52 UTC Post #268877
How would I go about using OP4 textures while running my map in spirit? Is that possible? I have the wads but if I use them will the textures show in spirit?
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 17:55:52 UTC Post #268878
You can either:
  • Copy gearbox.wad to your Spirit directory
  • Wadinclude gearbox.wad with each compile. <-- i recommend this option, as you don't have to worry about distributing the wad with your map when you release it.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 18:10:08 UTC Post #268880
Awww does spirit not have hammer 3.5 model support, or am I doing it wrong?
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 18:11:32 UTC Post #268883
No, if a map is made for a certain mod, you need the mod to run it.

However, if you don't use any "custom" entities in the map, that are specific to the mod, and only use the normal entites, it might be able to be opened in normal hl.

EDIT: Argh, why you edit your whole post out?? : (
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 18:18:18 UTC Post #268885
Because I answered my own question, i've been doing that a lot recently.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 18:43:27 UTC Post #268894
Awww does spirit not have hammer 3.5 model support, or am I doing it wrong?
It should, did you set your valve directory to half-life/valve? do you have models from HL in your valve/models directory?
Alternate models will not show up in hammer, only the original models
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 18:46:32 UTC Post #268895
I got the models sorted, just put them into my spirit models folder.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 18:47:44 UTC Post #268896
And has the Spirit FGD support for models in Hammer.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 18:52:11 UTC Post #268897
Bah im confused, I want Otis in my map but spirit lacks a monster_otis, I feel like i'm retarded.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 19:06:35 UTC Post #268900
I think you can change the actual model of a monster with Spirit. Place a monster_barney and check if you can change its model to Otis. I think you can even change the weapon and/or ammo he's supposed to carry with him.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 19:32:21 UTC Post #268901
** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\acccount\half-life

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\account\half-life\valve\maps\freeman_office.map" "\freeman_office.map"

Why does my compile hate me?

Edit: Fixed it, aparently when your editting you config, it automatically selects the one you created first, so I was editting my build programs for my normal HL stuff, not spirit.

Edit 2: And now when I run spirit I get an issue of loading the library "cl_dlls/client.dll" the fuck!
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 19:33:09 UTC Post #268904
1. Otis:
Model: Otis.mdl
Weapon: Python 357 (My mod has a Deagle for a 357)
Speech group: OT_ (Otis's speech from op4/Svencoop)
You need to supply otis.mdl and the sentences/sounds
2. DLL.
What version are you using? Did you get the normal version, or the source code?
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 20:28:18 UTC Post #268907
Can you explain how to get the sentences and sounds for otis, I have all of the files since I own op4.

Edit: Got spirit to open, im using version 1.7 now, we'll so how it goes.

Edit2: Sidenote, someone mentioned wadinclude, could you explain that process please?
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 21:15:37 UTC Post #268921
Step 1:
Use the compilator
Step 2: add the wads you want into the wadinclude list under CSG.
Step 3: Sit back and lol at the noobs still not wadincluding with the compilator.
OTIS: Copy all the "OT_" sentences from the Op4 sentences.txt. paste them into the spirit sentences.txt. do the same with the otis folder under sound.

You're using 1.7? I have to warn you, it's unofficial, and missing all the new features from 1.5.
I started out with 1.7, It was OK, but changed HL too much. Silencable pistol with no option to not have it, sitting_scientists won't work, stuff like that. I'd go with 1.5 or 1.8 unless you want the new features with no option to disable them.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-25 22:34:25 UTC Post #268923
I would use 1.5 but it kept giving me that .dll error, i'll try it again

Edit: Still crashing when trying to read the client.dll library Any suggestions from anyone? Until I find a fix i'm going to use 1.8, it seems to work and have most of the stuff from 1.5.

Edit 2: Alright I moved the otis sentences into the spirit sentence file and I move the sound to the spirit sound folder but when I go to speak to him in game he doesnt say a word.
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