Achievement: "Athletic man"
Requirements: Lift 2,000,000 weights in a year.
Achievement: "Ultra toilet"
Requirements: Use 10 toilet papers to wipe your ass in a day.
Achievement: "Electro"
Requirements: Shock yourself 10 times in a month.
Achievement: "Intelectual"
Requirements: Read 4 200pg books in a week.
Achievement: "CatScare"
Requirements: Throw 20 cats on your grandmas old oven.
Achievement: "ChickenFist"
Requirements: Take 50 fights with chickens.
Achievement: "PainDude"
Requirements: Cut yourself accidentally 100 times with the knife in a month.
Achievement: "Shit"
Requirements: Say "shit"(doesn't matter in what expressions ... could be holy shit, fucking shit etc...) 1000 times in a week.
Achievement: "Buddhist"
Requirements: Protect 500 insects from being crushed by friends.
Achievement: "Nudist"
Requirements: Go at least 5 times on a nudist beach during lifetime OR crazy run naked in front of your house.
Achievement: "Cheater"
Requirements: Impulse 101 on the streets.
Achievement: "OH MY GOD"
Requirements: Shit yourself in a restaurant.
Achievement: "Mapper"
Requirements: Make 50,000 maps during lifetime.
Achievement: "Guiness Mapper"
Requirements: Make 500,000 maps during lifetime.
Achievement: "No life"
Requirements: Spend 16 hours a day playing an MMO.
Achievement: "Virtual life"
Requirements: Spend 2 days in a row playing second life.
Achievement: "Bird"
Requirements: Jump from the 5th floor 10 times in a year.
Achievement: "Achievement writer"
Requirements: Write 50 achievements on twhl.
Achievement: "Hacker"
Requirements: Ban Penguinboy.
Achievement: "CourageMan"
Requirements: Insulte Luke.
Achievement: "Big eyes"
Requirements: Take 10,000,000 pictures in 40 years.
Achievement: "Yes man"
Requirements: Say yes to either question you're being asked for the next 2 weeks.
Achievement: "KickAss"
Requirements: Be kicked in the ass 50 times in 1 year.
Achievement: "Moneymaker"
Requirements: Win 10,000$ from websites.
Achievement: "ChrisPirillo"
Requirements: Post 50 videos on youtube showing how lame you are and making weird faces.
Achievement: "BinLaden"
Requirements: Use 10 grenades in shops. Go crazy, just like in gta4.
Achievement: "Physics sucks"
Go crazy like this guyIf I have further ideas I'll come with some ....