Castle Disposed Created 15 years ago2009-07-03 01:00:14 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Created 15 years ago2009-07-03 01:00:14 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 01:00:42 UTC Post #269322
Raise your hand if you have more than 10 maps in your folder that you started and never got around to finishing.

Nice show of hands there.

Now put them down and continue reading.
Castle Disposed is a collection of maps similar to the rooms project, with a style that reminds you of both Super Mario 64, and Issues / Reissues.
Here's the catch-
The central hub (The castle) Links to only the graveyard maps you have long abandoned. Walk up to the picture of a map, a game text appears and gives the map info, author name, and whether or not it has been unlocked yet (unlocked by completing other levels)

So, does anyone have any maps lying around that had potential yet were never finished?

Fix those leaks, provide some textures, and I'll throw it into the Castle.
No storyline as of yet, But the main objective of each graveyard level is to collect the TWHL emblem in each map.

Fight for it, solve a puzzle, uncover it from it's hiding place.

Lets try to make something from those past-failed projects!

Here's what i have for the castle so far:
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Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 01:38:33 UTC Post #269325
So, do you want contributors to design the fights and such, or are you just looking for the error-free RMF to work with? Obviously, since these are generally half-finished maps we're talking about, they don't necessarily have a definitive end point in them. Does that matter much?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 01:40:58 UTC Post #269327
Nope. That's why it's the graveyard. My plans are to have multiple graveyard map per BSP.. You can make it whatever you want before you send it. Include the location of the emblem if you wish.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 01:56:13 UTC Post #269328
Seeing as most maps wouldn't have an ending, I'd say you'd just teleport back to the castle once you pick up the emblem?

I know GoldSource has it's limits, but do you need a higher res copy of the THWL logo? I have a large one I can throw online for you, without the striped background.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 02:07:31 UTC Post #269329
Would you accept a long series of interconnected maps (six I believe) from a mod I never completed? I only ask because it might take a good 30 minutes for a player to get through it. Oh, and I have TWO of these partially finished mods, both Black Mesa themed.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 03:55:47 UTC Post #269330
Oh man. I have literally hundreds of things I could contribute to this.

Single Rooms, Groups of rooms, chains of maps for mods that never happened, you name it.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 04:04:21 UTC Post #269331
uhh, ive got quite a few good ones. a temple maze like obstacle map and a black messa one to be percise.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 04:08:56 UTC Post #269332
I'll try and make one of my things playable and toss it in here.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 04:20:10 UTC Post #269333
I'll try and make one of my things playable and toss it in here.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 05:36:01 UTC Post #269334
Umm...I'm gonna have trouble deciding which one to give you :P

EDIT: i don't have time to fix it up or i'll just check it at you and see what you can do with it :) good idea but...

EDIT: Haha...I found an old map of mine involving killing the player in a number of fun and amusing (if not thoughtless acts of violence) ways

EDIT: And I also found a map I forgot to compile :P yay...a map thats all done and ready to go...i'll compile it now

EDIT: I can't find much to give to you...but I've got something...hold on

EDIT FINAL: Do what you can with it...It's kinda open and no textures...sorry but its all I got that you can use :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 07:12:39 UTC Post #269336
I'll try and make one of my things playable and toss it in here.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 07:58:29 UTC Post #269338
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Yeah. Got bored.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 08:38:02 UTC Post #269339

there u go

edit: its 2 different maps, one is called point of no escape and its an unfinished hl1 like map, and the other is my original compo 26 entry, which i scrapped for an unknown reason.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 08:41:03 UTC Post #269341
Yyyyeah... I don't have a single map I haven't finished...

That's a lie. I have about 30 of them.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 09:41:32 UTC Post #269343
I have an apartement building (small, of course) inspired by svencoop. No combat yet, because I did'nt know how to get grunts to spawn places at the time. Let me retexture it and send it your way! (I may just make it better, but that would take forever...)
EDIT: Shit, I deleted it... I'll try to find another map I can fix up.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 10:18:29 UTC Post #269345
haha wtf?
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 10:31:27 UTC Post #269346
Ok Wow Lots of input Great!
@ SRRY - So long as Each map Requires you to get the Emblem before movin on, yes i'll acccept map strings, I want this to be an unlockable type thing, so upon gaining x emblems, level x opens.

@ Strider - Yes i plan on having the player teleport back to the middle of the castle. - Somewhat like in mario 64 when you complete the red-hat level. I could do it to each individual map entrance, but a unified teleport would save a lot of entity space.

@ hotdog - Thanks As you're the first person to submit, you get the picture shown in the screenshot. I'll see what i can do with it.

@ Urby - Coolbeans on the logo, Mind if i snag that as a texture and hang that above the entrance door?

@ skals - Mazes are good. You can modify it, or just shoot me the RMF and any textures. Or then again, anything you want. - Edit Thanks for the map. You're #2 You'll be in the same room as hotdog, but just on a different picture.

@ rimrook - anything that you create is magic anyway so find the least dead thing and see if you can make something of it

@ jeffmod - Damn. Sorry to hear you deleted that map. Would've made a great combat map i'm sure.
Cool So we have Entries from Hotdog and Skals

And Strider, just a simple 128 x 64 texture will be perfect for the twhl logo. I plan on scaling it to 50% anyway, and making it a floating func_rotating. So you walk up to it, collect it, make it dissapear, add
to the level count, teleport to main level.

Looks like if things get out of hand, we might have to make a mod :combine:
But that'd be purely for organization.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 10:44:43 UTC Post #269348
@ Tetsu0 - yeah, at the end of both of my maps, there is no level change or anything, just a blank room. i was thinking u could put the emblem there, so when the player eventually gets there when walked through the maps, he picks up the emblem and gets teleported out eh?
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 10:59:44 UTC Post #269349
Blank rooms work fine.
In-fact for some of the REALLY incomplete ones, i was just thinking of making a big white room with the emblem in the middle.
Just a white room
with an orange logo.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 12:06:24 UTC Post #269354
@ jeffmod - Damn. Sorry to hear you deleted that map. Would've made a great combat map i'm sure.
It was shit anyway. I went on a purge a few weeks ago, and deleted most of my old maps and ones I've downloaded. I'm working on converting another apartment building I made for my 7-hour war mod, which failed miserably. If you're fine with sewers you can make it work without too much modification.
EDIT: I think I'll toss the old RMF's from my 'Black Mesa Janitor' mod too, but I won't retexture them.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 12:28:41 UTC Post #269355
sounds good to me.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 12:40:26 UTC Post #269356
Slight snag... I have the files ready to upload, but Filefront is being gay, and I don't know where else I can upload files for free.
Would've made a great combat map i'm sure.
lol. The best "combat" I had in that map at the time was causing a machine to overload in the scientist's rooftop lab, killing him. There was a fassn downstairs, but she was reading the bulletin board. 8P
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 12:59:15 UTC Post #269359
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There ya' go, I'm sure you'll find something to do with them.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 13:16:09 UTC Post #269361
Cool. Well just keep working. I Got hotdog's map all re-textured (bit poorly) and sealed off, and ready to test. I say it's an hour from completion.
But i got a 40 mile drive ahead of me soon. So i can't stick around all day.
Nice strider.

Those will make nice detailed logos around the map, but i was just thinking about an orange block with just "TWHL" in it. Like the Center Picture.
Without "The Whole Half Life" across it.

Just a spinning brick with letters TWHL in it.
I'll make it nice and engraved too.

The top one looks like it can be a nice back-lit sign

Thanks again.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 14:39:33 UTC Post #269365
hahaha. All this time trying to upload to filefront, then I realize it's well under the TWHL 2MB limit.
EDIT: Just realized that the 'p' series has a bunch of custom textures and spirit entities. I think I used a lot of CS and TFC textures, but you'll have to remove or convert the spirit ents and values if you're going to use that chain.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 14:40:29 UTC Post #269366
I have literally hundreds of things I could contribute to this
Hell me too. I'll send you something straight-away. = )

It's a really good idea Tetsu0, it's about time someone thought of it. =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 17:28:30 UTC Post #269373
Feel free to have at the logo Tets. :)
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-04 06:21:39 UTC Post #269380
I'm working on getting one of the first maps I made fixed up and ready to submit. r_speeds will be awful, since it's one enormous neighborhood, and I had no idea what I was doing at the time. Even after func_walling a bunch of stuff, the compile has been sitting here for an hour. Guess I'll go play some Banjo Kazooie while I'm waiting.

Edit: Can't get it to compile now, guess I'll leave it overnight. :(
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-04 09:49:50 UTC Post #269386
Sounds good. I'll probably optimize the maps further on my own time. So don't worry too much about having everything perfect.
Remember, you gave up on this map for a reason. lmao.

I'm taking a break from this for a half day or so. Still gotta work on my compo map.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-05 02:36:38 UTC Post #269423
ehh... Lemme just tell you now, there's almost no point in trying to optimize this atrocity. I don't think anything short of an entire rebuild would do much good. We're talking rows of fence where I made each board an individual brush and gave them all different heights for that "realistic touch". Houses that are mere props have completely hollow interiors. Everything was made on a one-unit scale, with ample use of carving, and no regard for keeping brushes on-grid. I'll see what I can do though, 5 hour compiles are no fun.

Edit: Tetsu0, I'm giving up on this map and moving on to something else. Unless you want to work with it, I don't think it's worth it. It's a truly perfect example of how not to make a large outdoor map. There are so many off-grid vertices it's not even funny, and even after extensively cleaning it up, it looks like it'll take all night to compile on normal settings.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-05 09:53:22 UTC Post #269453
Sounds good. If you don't think it's worth it, i'll take your word. 5 hour compiles ARE NOT fun. Oh well.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-05 17:22:25 UTC Post #269466
Besides, I have a much more interesting former CS map in the making. Non-linear single player maps are the shit.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-05 21:19:41 UTC Post #269470
5 hour compiles ARE NOT fun.
Lol, I find 5 hour compiles's when they take 10 hours that I start hating them. And if I can rustle up some other stuff for it, do you want it???
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-06 00:30:41 UTC Post #269475
Yeah. I might just have seperate rooms for each member if people contribute more than on map. Idk tho. Your first map is done. I just have to fix the lighting and add the teleporting ( in / out) then I'll work on skals's
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-06 02:12:57 UTC Post #269479
Are you going to strip the player of weapons when they get back to the castle? because I have this one map I've just set up with guns and ammo everything, so it's nicely balanced... but that's not taking into consideration weapons the player might already have.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-06 07:34:04 UTC Post #269488
Yes. Weapon stripping is taking place after each level.
It's already part of the Teleport back sequence.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 15:03:04 UTC Post #269874
So i found some old crap i made years ago that would fit perfectly in this project. The problem is that i called these maps "finished" at that time, as they have an ending. Is it ok to have these "finished" maps included in this project?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 15:10:27 UTC Post #269875
Sure! Anything will do just fine!
I'm implementing maps as i recieve them, and this is developing slowly due to the compo still running.. with time running out as well.
So i wont get to it until next week probably.
Just shoot me a pm titled disposed, or post a link :)
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 15:30:59 UTC Post #269878
I have one singleplayer map, and 12 maps that were once part of a singleplayer mod i was making. Eventually i got bored and development stopped at the 12th map. So you'll get a total of 13 maps from me! ZOMFGWTFBBQ!

I used some custom texers for some maps and im spending the last half hour searching my backup disks for those. Then ill make a zip file with everything you need.

Edit: ok, it seems i've lost the wad(s). Great.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 15:45:25 UTC Post #269879
OOOh :)
Do the mod maps tie into each other?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 15:47:50 UTC Post #269880
Yes, they're all linked with level changes. Its the damn wad(s) that i lost!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 16:00:09 UTC Post #269881
That's no problem. I can always re-texture. That's what i did for hotdog's map. I used the generic HL ones, but i might go ahead and make some custom ones now that i'm amazing with
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 16:04:08 UTC Post #269882
Wait wait, there's still some hope left... found another backup disc.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 16:44:42 UTC Post #269883
Shame you don't have a Source version as I have a map that will never see the light of day and it's one of my best.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 16:47:19 UTC Post #269884
Woohoo! I found the textures, plus some more maps. Ill give you a total soonish. :D
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 17:19:26 UTC Post #269887
Shame you don't have a Source version as I have a map that will never see the light of day and it's one of my best.
After what happened to me in this competetion from the source engine.... I'm gonna give it a break for a little while.
But it's a good idea anyway
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-14 04:56:45 UTC Post #270088
Sorry I haven't come through with my map yet... I've been busy working on my car mostly. :zonked:
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-23 08:12:48 UTC Post #270092
It's okay. I'm not touching this again until post-competition. Yet i havent been mapping at all because our band has a show friday and we've spent the last week advertising and practicing. Putting up flyers at bars and crap.
Lmao. I wish i could map at work. That'd make my whole life a hellova lot easier.
Ok. So. Now that i've finally put the finishing touches on my compo map (post-compo fixes / edits) it should be in the vault tonight; depending on wether or not my band plays a show tonight.[can't say i'm looking forward to this one though.]

So now I can continue to work on the castle disposed maps! Hotdog's map is 90% finished! It just needs the following:
-New textures
-Full vis compile
-Outro teleport sequence when the TWHL emblem is collected.

After that, i'll move on to the Captains, and then Atoms HUGE monstrosity of a map pack.

So over the next few days i'm going to have to organize all these files into a mod folder, and get crackin.

Updates coming soon, when i'm out of work.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-23 14:49:53 UTC Post #270738
Are you doing all the maps, or just the ones that are good enough to be part of this?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-23 14:53:17 UTC Post #270739
yeah i was wondering the same thing, i mean i probably have over a hundred unpublished maps(including example and test ones)... I suppose you have to draw a line someplace, else you will have A LOT of work on your hands integrating peoples maps...


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
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