new here + Q: actions sentences? Created 15 years ago2009-07-15 10:27:46 UTC by ashephard ashephard

Created 15 years ago2009-07-15 10:27:46 UTC by ashephard ashephard

Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 08:18:22 UTC Post #270617
In addition to waht jeffMOD said:

Making mods is quite easy.... Actually wrong. It's rediculously hard. But setting it up, That's easy:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Or you can download a mod from the vault, and copy the folder layout, and modify any icons.. sounds.. etc..

As for programs:

Model viewer
Sprite Viewer
Wally - Exporting to .wad
Photoshop / / GIMP - creating textures
Compilator - Compiling made easy

As for decompiling:

Don't do it unless you want information on entity set ups. Even that's a last resort because the internet / TWHL is vast with information. You can even jump on IRC.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 08:21:43 UTC Post #270618
ohk thanks for the great replies guys

and yeah I don't intend to steal people's work, its just that I was trying to figure out how they made Otis open security doors for you in Op4 and my program wasn't the easiest program to use :P
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 08:23:02 UTC Post #270619
The opposite of bluiculously!
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 08:25:07 UTC Post #270620
Man i gotta get spell checker.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 08:25:21 UTC Post #270621
and yeah I don't intend to steal people's work, its just that I was trying to figure out how they made Otis open security doors for you in Op4 and my program wasn't the easiest program to use :crowbar:
That's the only thing decompiling programs are supposed to exist for, good work, :hecu:
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 08:26:16 UTC Post #270622
And for the retina thing... Try it without the idle animation. Maybe that's messing everything up.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 08:28:43 UTC Post #270624
Gee, thanks a lot. Now my :hecu: is forever broken.
But that is a good suggestion.
Also, learn how to make those wires that Op4 is so famous for.
Those are cool.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 08:32:42 UTC Post #270625
yeah those are hard-coded in somehow...
not sure if it's an entity really.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 08:41:51 UTC Post #270626
I'm feeling nice today, so I fixed your :hecu: .
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 08:43:26 UTC Post #270627
Thank you! :glad:
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 09:43:22 UTC Post #270632
OMG tetsu0! you're an actual legend! the idle animation was stuffing up Otis, thank you so much! :D

and Jeff, what do you mean by wires?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 09:53:33 UTC Post #270633
The ropes from the training course.
The ones with the REALLY bad physics simualations.

And glad it's working for you ashepard.
Another note. I would reccommend using Aiscripted rather than just scripted.
The ai one is not interrruptable, whereas if you were to say, kill the scientist mid route to the scanner, you're screwed.

If you kill the aiscripted scientist mind route, he would die after running his script. Makes for a comedic effect, i must say.

Ok what other problems are you having? Maybe i can help more.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 10:35:05 UTC Post #270634
ohhh yesss ahahha they make me laugh :D, yeah I think I'll need to have atleast one to give it the opfor feel :D

thank you! ohh, I had ai scripted, but hl_hotdog told me to change it, i think coz it could have been the problem, aha yep, I'll change that :)

ummmmm none really, at the moment, but there definitely will be soon, I gotta read some more tutorials, on multi_managers, multisource, globals and stuff, coz for the door I want you to need to obtain a security pass before Otis lets you through the door

but yeah, I'm still quite busy with the architecture atm but I've laid out in my mind the ideas for the level, and more to come if people on the forum like this map, so thanks for your help today, and I'll hold you to helping me out later :D
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 10:57:11 UTC Post #270636
Ok here's a quick walkthru of the secutiry pass before opening the door.

It's simple as hell. And credit goes to Atom for teaching me:

say your security pass is a button
have the security pass button trigger a multisource called security_ms
have your door's master set to security_ms

And that's it.

Your door doesnt need a name unless it's triggered by a button.
In which case, you'd need the buttons master to be the multisource.
and it won't open unless the multisource is active- which happens only after aquiring the pass.

Set it up nice and simple like that, then you can add different effects into it. Like models and sprites / sounds via multimanagers.

Multimanagers are easy as well

just give it a name using smart edit, turn off smart edit, hit the add button, and type in the name of the entity you want to trigger, and in the next field type in the delay (in seconds) you want that to occur.

a zero delay works fine, and you can trigger more than one thing at the same time.
limit is 16 entities, then you'll have to resort to a second multimanager.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 11:02:17 UTC Post #270638
oh thank you so much! that will definitely come in handy, but I was talking about Otis, not letting you through the security door I've made, without a security pass :D that would be harder, right?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 11:09:32 UTC Post #270639
well you can have him do a script to hit a button that only he can access... like a security clearence / code. have that trigger the multisource.
I've never tried that but i believe that will work.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 11:16:39 UTC Post #270640
ok thanks heaps! :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 13:22:00 UTC Post #270641
Step by step on how to make security cards, just in case you run into trouble.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-24 09:28:14 UTC Post #270760
ok its now the weekend!

time to get to work on the level again!

ok now that I can do basic (VERY basic :P) scripting, with barneys, i now have the exact situation i wanna make, so i thought i would explain it here, so i know what to brush up on to make it happen

otis is infront of a security door with retinal scanner

otis says sorry sir you need a security pass (or along those lines)

you go find the security pass

when you walk back to otis, there is a trigger entity infront of him

which triggers him to walk to the retinal scanner, do his animation and hence open the door for you

all your help is appreciated, guys!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-24 09:44:32 UTC Post #270765
Well i don't know the exact details of it all, but that's not too hard to pull off.

Make a trigger_multiple around otis. (name it: trig_need_pass)
Have trig_need_pass target a scripted SENTENCE which makes otis say the desired line.

Have a trigger once target otis' scripted SEQUENCE, and have it's master be got_secutiry_pass (a multisource entity)

Have the security pass target a multimanager targeting an invisible func_door that has "trig_need_pass" in the killtarget field.

have that also target the master "got_security_pass"

And you should be good to go.

The multimanager targets an invisible door because that's the only way to have a trigger multiple be deactivated (that i know of) so once the door opens (where ever it is) it removes the trigger multiple from the level.

When you go back over there, the scripted sentence wont fire, and otis should open up the door for you, because that trigger_once's master will then be activated.

Let me know if that works. If not i'll think up a work-around.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-24 10:31:49 UTC Post #270777
ok thanks heaps man! :)

I'll try and finish that now
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-24 17:29:21 UTC Post #270796
The multimanager targets an invisible door because that's the only way to have a trigger multiple be deactivated (that i know of) so once the door opens (where ever it is) it removes the trigger multiple from the level.
Can't trigger_multiples have a master too?
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-08 02:19:28 UTC Post #271707
hey tetsu0

I'm so sorry, I havent replied to you in weeks, I bet you thought I stole your info and left.. lol

I've just been realllllly busy with year 12, but I tried the properties you told me today, and now I've got it working, but roughly

the first problem is that otis isn't saying his scripted sentence, OT_ANSWER9 but really thats it actually, I jsut haven;t set the light and sound effects for the scanner, and the keycard is jsut a block at the moment

but that will be sorted out soon

but now I have some info for you! :D
you make a key card disappear by making it a func_wall_toggle entity because when it is targetted, it kills itself, so you don't have to do that ddoor thing! :D
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-08 09:42:02 UTC Post #271727
You only need the SDK if you want to add new monsters, new features, new weapons and the like to your mod by modifying the HL gamecode.

As for other programs, it depends on what custom content you wish to produce for your mod.

I find BSPtwoMAP usefull. It's a command line application so read the readme file carefully so you know how to use it.
Note that the program will output a map file, not a rmf file.

And don't use BSPtwoMAP to steal other people's work, only use it to study specific entity setups. The decompiled architecture won't be much use for you anyway because decompling it renders it completely useless, but point entities and entity properties stay perfectly intact.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-08 18:17:30 UTC Post #271740
I've used BSPtwoMAP before, and yeah, it screws over the map's architecture. Seemed to screw over brush entities too, which was what I was trying to look at.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-08 21:46:20 UTC Post #271747
ok thanks for the tip, I'll take a look at it
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-23 03:45:44 UTC Post #272388
I'm still here, just been very busy with year 12, been slowwwwwwly working on my map

just a couple of questions about tutorials, where can i find a curved pipe or curved cylinder tutorial, i remember i found one a few weeks ago but lost it =/
and also, why can't i access some of the tutorials found in the search function of TWHL at the top of the page?? it says i don't have permission i think
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-23 05:19:37 UTC Post #272393
Near the bottom of the page, Daubster enlightens such information about curved pipes.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-23 10:54:36 UTC Post #272405
excellent! thank you so much Darkie, just what I was talking about! :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-24 07:37:46 UTC Post #272447
I was just reading about the cancelled mod, Night Watch
any news on that, like why they broke it off, coz it was looking soo good, and almost finished! and if its going to be brought back to life?
Any interesting history would be cool to hear

and another thing, I was reading about mirrors in mapping, and I was wondering if it is possible to do in HL1, like the way it is done in Deus Ex.
I'm pretty sure I've seen it done with goldsource, and I've heard briefly of the trick in Blue-Shift where the floor is reflective.
My idea is for an interrogation room style mirror, although you would not need to be able to see thru from the other side as it will be destroyed

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