can't find leaks... again Created 15 years ago2009-09-04 22:48:45 UTC by Elementx8 Elementx8

Created 15 years ago2009-09-04 22:48:45 UTC by Elementx8 Elementx8

Posted 15 years ago2009-09-04 22:48:45 UTC Post #272945
Can somebody help me find the leaks.. here:

i'm REALLY horrible at finding leaks, i've checked most everywhere i could check for leaks but found none, and i can't read .pts files since i don't know how to...

there also might be a few other errors because i tried to compile it with a skybox around it just to see, and theres texture axis perpendicular to face. it doesn't show on my map errors for some reason so maybe can fix other stuff?

thank you
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-04 23:52:51 UTC Post #272946
Tried using the pointfile? That will point you in a good direction even if it isn't accurate. I'll check the map out when I can.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-05 00:11:40 UTC Post #272947
yeah i tried, it's just a bunch of random lines to me

and thanks man
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-05 00:17:23 UTC Post #272948
You can find the leaks if you look at the pointfile ingame.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-05 10:54:58 UTC Post #272954
If you use Hammer 3.5 you can see the pointfiles in the camera-view. (Also remember to load the .lin-file, they don't contain as much lines as the .pts-file.)
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-05 12:01:19 UTC Post #272956
Stu and Rim should be ashamed of their posts.

I'll try to take a look at it when I get back in about 3 hours.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-05 15:08:25 UTC Post #272959
What's wrong?? I find my leaks like that with no trouble D:
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-05 15:41:00 UTC Post #272961
Well check the compile log to see if there's any errors in the CSG portion.
If there is you can go to the brush number and check it out.
As for using the pts file, In hammer, go to map >> load pointfile, and browse to your mapname. You should see a line starting at an entity and zigzagging wildly around the map. It should just shoot off into a random wall somewhere.

Oh and make sure none of the exterior walls are func_walls. That often times happens.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-05 15:48:07 UTC Post #272962
Oh and make sure none of the exterior walls are func_walls. That often times happens.
This is your problem.
The first thing I saw when I opened your map was this:
User posted image
You can't have any entity touching the void, so close those off with your sky and you should be good.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-05 15:51:39 UTC Post #272963
Or move them to world, if it's not a "{" texture that has to be transparent.
And as above, make sure you use .lin, and look for the red. it can be confusing at times, but you'll find 'em. also, try to make your walls at least 6 units thick at all times, especially if a door or window is going to be there.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-05 17:03:42 UTC Post #272967
I'm not ashamed of my post, I just know how to read through a clusterfuck of pointfile lines. I've had my fair share of leaks in my mapping endeavors and I know how to make it work.

hrmph. :|
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-05 17:07:35 UTC Post #272968
Here we go with this conversation again......

I have never had ANY problems finding the leaks with the "point file". The point file does get a little weird with an entity leak such as a ladder because it is not exactly clear to you what is happening unless you know what to look for. The "single" red line is always there to point the way tho-- and there has only been "one" single red line for me. Not exactly sure what kind of crack you people are on but I have been mapping since Half Life 1 came out and never seen more than one red line--maybe in the .lin file which I have never used.

A leak is a leak and is easily found with the point file in camera mode. If you want to keep the wall you have at the bottom then move it in and place a nice no-draw brush behind it to seal it. You can also move the wall itself back to world and simple brush state. I don't see a need to move the sky down as it appears that is the way you want the wall to look plus running a sky texture behind something is simply wasting sky. Use as little sky as you can as it sucks the performance out of your map and makes it slow to render.

That is a source tutorial but should work just fine with Half Life 1 as well. Hammer didn't really change at all from HL1 to HL2--well, other than steam.

Hope this helps.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-05 17:45:31 UTC Post #272969
ah that mus be it, i didn't remember about that fence.. let me try right now
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