trigger camera transitions help! = ) Created 15 years ago2009-07-24 18:41:39 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Created 15 years ago2009-07-24 18:41:39 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Posted 15 years ago2009-07-24 18:42:29 UTC Post #270799
I'm trying to:

1. fade in from black
2. trigger_camera
3. fade out to black
4. fade in again
5. trigger camera 2
6. fade out to black again
7. fade in one more time to the start point.

I can achieve 1-4, but when i try to repeat the sequence it seems one of the fades overlaps another and i get double fade-in and outs on the second scene.

Any general help you can provide to about trigger camera holdtimes, fade duration/holdtimes would be greatly appreciated.

pm me if you want to see the map and look at the exact setup.

thanks! = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-08 11:08:20 UTC Post #273096
I must admit I have no real clue how to solve your problem but if I understand correctly, you got 2 sequences, after the first (1-4) it triggers the 2nd(5-7)? you say repeat, do you mean when you restart/retry sequence 1-4 again? or when you start on the 2nd sequence?

sorry for not providing any answer I'm just trying to help myself (and others?:P) understand what you are trying to do:)
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-08 13:46:55 UTC Post #273100
Ugh, why does your problem sound so familiar to me? Because i've spend hours and hours trying to get a similar sequence to run smoothly in my maps.

I guess this is nothing more than simple timing. Maybe write it down, draw a flowchart or something.

I can't help you much with this im affraid. It's a tough one.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-08 16:17:16 UTC Post #273103
well I think Atom got a point, you are basicly trying to make somthing hapening in order, based on seconds rigth?
so try to drow a Timeline/flowchart, addd everything to it,a nd see if you got gaps/overlaps? try to plan how it all will go on the paper then see "is this what I have made? or...did I skip 1second?"
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-08 19:08:43 UTC Post #273119
Are you using a multimanager to control the timing of the sequence? Or are you controlling it another way? After initially starting each camera, you may need to trigger each camera again to turn it off before triggering it back on again.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-08 19:17:36 UTC Post #273120
Hey! SlayerA is back!

It should just be a matter of timing, CT. Maybe upload it to the MV?
Come on, you know the drill.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-08 20:01:53 UTC Post #273121
Did you add relays? Two for each camera? On for on, one for off?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-08 20:11:32 UTC Post #273122
By the steps you provided I built what I think you want.

As The Mighty Atom and Mazetar pointed out it really is all in the timing.

I'll try to walk you through it:
Map loads -> trigger_auto fires "mm" (NOTE I didn't use the "Level Fade In" in the map properties, mainly because I wanted to force the timing and didn't know exactly how long its fade's duration was. The side effect of doing what I did is a quick view of the map on map load and then it triggers the fade. This could be fixed by either starting the player in a dark room and teleporting them before the final fade in, or ignored.)

Time t = 0s:

"multi_manager" mm is triggered.

"env_fade" mm is triggered (NOTE The mm isn't a type-o.)
----> Properties: Duration = 5 seconds; Hold Fade = 5 seconds; Flag: Fade From is ticked.

"func_wall_toggle" w1 is triggered (forces no movement throughout)

Time t = 5s:

"env_fade" mm starts to fade in.

"trigger_camera" cam1 is triggered.
----> Properties: Hold Time = 15 seconds

Time t = 10s:

"env_fade" mm is done fading.

Time t = 15s:

"env_fade" fadeout1 starts to fade to black.
----> Properties: Duration: 5 seconds; Hold Fade: 5 seconds

Time t = 20s:

cam1 is finished
fadeout1 has screen completely black and holding for 5s.

Time t = 25s:

fadeout1 is no longer active.

"env_fade" fadein1 is triggered.
----> Properties: Duration = 5 seconds; Hold Fade = 0 seconds; Flag Fade From is ticked.

"trigger_camera" cam2 is triggered.
----> Properties: Hold Time = 15 seconds

Time t = 30s:

fadein1 is done fading.

Time t = 35s:

"env_fade" fadeout2 is triggered.
----> Properties: Duration: 5 seconds; Hold Fade: 5 seconds

Time t = 40s:

fadeout2 is done fading and is now holding.
cam2 has finished.

Time t = 45s:

fadeout2 is no longer active.

"env_fade" fadein2 is triggered.
----> Properties: Duration = 5 seconds; Hold Fade = 0 seconds; Flag Fade From is ticked.

Time t = 50s:

fadein2 is done fading.
w1 is triggered again releasing the player.


The entire cycle takes 50 seconds to complete from map load to finish.

Here are the .bsp and .map files. If it is indeed what you wanted feel free to just rip the entities and utilize them as you wish. Be careful though of changing the timings as each entity's correct timing depends on what's triggered before it.


Posted 15 years ago2009-09-08 20:30:46 UTC Post #273123
Definitely need to teleport the player to a dark room, otherwise you'll have brief flashes of the map between scenes, which looks especially ridiculous when the screen is supposed to be black.
"func_wall_toggle" w1 is triggered (forces no movement throughout)
You can freeze the player with a flag in cutscenes anyway, so this is pointless.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-08 20:38:04 UTC Post #273124
You can freeze the player with a flag in cutscenes anyway, so this is pointless.
You're not supposed to yes, but you can indeed move. Since this is a special situation where there are gaps between each camera, the cameras therefore have no control over player movement in between. The wall is there mostly for redundancy.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-09 01:35:30 UTC Post #273126
Hey! SlayerA is back!
I was starting to think he would never return.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-09 05:20:11 UTC Post #273135
Wow i forgot about this since it was so long ago, and i never posted my solution!
After initially starting each camera, you may need to trigger each camera again to turn it off before triggering it back on again.
Slayer A (and tetsu0 really) had the right idea. "calling" the present camera a second time--in effect, shutting it down--, before starting the next camera was the key!

Tetsu0: I used trigger_relays at first, but found just calling them again via the multimanger alone did the trick, so i eliminated the relays. (that's not to say that a situation wouldn't arise where you may have to use a relay to do it tho)

Srry: thanks and you're right. I use a func_wall_toggle, black textured box for just that purpose! =)

Nefarious: WHOA TY for all the time you put into the solution and the detailed explanation!! YOU GUISE ARE GREAT! ^_^
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-09 07:45:36 UTC Post #273139
I always got the same problem problem. I often found that triggering the second camera 0.1 seconds after the first finishes solved the problem.
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