been making a dm map which is largely based around one detailed area. i've recently been getting disappearing brush entities, running HL in openGL mode. move to another spot of the map and the brushes come back. i've tried running full vis also.
it's been a while since i've mapped in goldsource, any help would be appreciated. i'm hoping i don't have to remove any detail. >.> maybe i should be less overboard with my func_walling, i think source's func_detail has really altered my mapping methods.
edit: after checking r_speeds with developer on, i notice i'm getting a 'Too many entities in visible packet list' error. guess i was right about doing too much func_walling. guess i'll have to change some back to world brushes and put up with longer compile times.
here are some screenshots of what happens: brushes are missing, move a little to the right and brushes are back.