miniturrets question Created 20 years ago2004-05-16 18:42:35 UTC by coldfeet coldfeet

Created 20 years ago2004-05-16 18:42:35 UTC by coldfeet coldfeet

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-16 18:42:35 UTC Post #27305
hey, first of all i want to say AWESOME site. i am thoroughly impressed with everyone. on to my question:

i'm in the middle of making a normal HL deathmatch level, and want to throw in a situation where if someone throws a switch, miniturrets will come from the ceiling and blast anyone left in the room. can i do this by naming the turrets and having the button target them, or will they automatically shoot anything that enters their area, regardless?


Posted 20 years ago2004-05-16 21:56:16 UTC Post #27316
Nevermind, after 20 minutes of tinkering i solved my own problem, but found a new one.

No matter how i place the sentries on the ceiling (set for ceiling) when it first spawns it is oriented incorrectly, until i activate and then deactivate it. I messed around with the directions, but nothing helps put it the correct way. Any ideas?

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-17 01:56:20 UTC Post #27328
Very odd. How is it oriented?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-17 18:05:27 UTC Post #27419
THE CEILING!!! DO YOU LISTEN!?!?!?! i hope that answers you...

Yes, Seventh does listen... He also understands the entities and their Orientation! Ceiling is not an orientation.. it is a place. Orientation is their direction with regards to the 2D views. (ed: Andy)
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 11:32:55 UTC Post #27666
yes, any trigger can trigger a sentry to activate like say in the chapter "weve got hostiles" in the original gam the "laser" triggered the the little tripod mounted guns but actually there was a trigger_multiple over the laser. made a barney do the exact same thing once. and another thing sentry activates whenever they are shot at or they are triggered. but there was some that activated when they "saw" you, this is done using large trigger_multiple I suppose.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 22:39:26 UTC Post #27718
Excuse me, but I set the orientation for a ceiling mount under the entity properties. But regardless of where i point it, or mess with the Yaw/Pitch/Roll, it still refuses to look correctly for a ceiling mounted miniturret.

I've even tested it, and the problem is fixed as soon as trigger it, and then turn it back off. And if i no_clip out of the level and re-enter, it fixes it's position that way as well.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 23:08:05 UTC Post #27720
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 23:48:34 UTC Post #27734
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