I decided to compile the hl one sdk using GCC, which is as good as free gets.
But don't worry, I have already "fix" some of the problems myself, using a lack of coding knowledge. However that can only get me so far. So now I need your compassionate hands.
You all know how there are setThink and setTouch and their derivative (not pun) functions in almost every individual file, right? Yeah, well these functions, integral as they may be, are causing me the problems, I think. What happens is: in every file, these functions cause errors related to how it's invalid for these functions to static_cast from type A to type B.This occurs in every individual file, which leads me to think that this has to do with the setThink/Touch/Others functions themselves. Or this crappy compiler. I don't know. The source code admitted to using static_cast as a "sleazy" way to do their thing, so I suspect this problem is prolly not too uncommon. So, hopefully someone may have run into this problem and found the solutions.