I need help making a mod called Half Life: Alien Killer, HL Engine. It's where you are a diplomatic scientist, secretly communicating with Aperture Science. However, in the middle of one of his calls, it was interuppted by a distress signal in the Sector Z testlabs (aka gordan freeman's lab). And right in the middle of the trasmission, when you hear them shouting about it not shutting down, BOOSH!!!! The facility falls. Dr. Van Buren (half life sign texture) then meets up in the central part of Sector 23, where several scientist lay hurt. Mr. Van Buren has to crawl into the top of the main power generator, without a suit, and must escape the facility. Lucky for him, the power generator leads into the air vents, where he climbs through and falls into the equipment room. A scientist then asks him to put on the HEV Suit and try to escape the facility. Can I get some help with my mod? Please reply.