Switchable Texlights problem Created 13 years ago2011-03-14 14:33:46 UTC by Notewell Notewell

Created 13 years ago2011-03-14 14:33:46 UTC by Notewell Notewell

Posted 13 years ago2011-03-14 14:33:46 UTC Post #291654
Okay, I think I finally found a problem that I won't be able to solve on my own a few minutes after posting it in the forums. (Possibly because I've had it for days.)
I have a few func_walls comprised of multiple light fixtures, all textured with the fifties fluorescent light texture (The texlight one) I have the Texlight style on the lights as Switchable (starts on), and the lights are then triggered (via trigger_auto) to turn off. The texture changes, but the lighting doesn't change at all, even when I trigger it through a multi_manager as the sequence requires. This makes the room always bright, while the rest of the level is lighted properly the entire time.
Here's some of my RAD log;
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (66.30 seconds)
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (8.83 seconds)
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (0.91 seconds)
Transfer Lists : 13919562 : 13.92M transfers
Indices :     8578988 :    8.18M bytes
   Data :    55678248 :   53.10M bytes
Bounce 1 GatherLight:
10%...20%...30%...40%...Warning: Too many light styles on a face(-993.000000,1193.989990,-21.000000)
Warning: Too many light styles on a face(-1019.000000,1193.989990,-21.000000)
50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (0.94 seconds)
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (0.59 seconds)
92.27 seconds elapsed [1m 32s]

--- END hlrad ---[/quote]
Now, how in the hell am I going to find those faces, and why is it giving me that error, even when I removed the coloured emergency lights?
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-14 15:33:51 UTC Post #291666
that error just means you have too many dynamic lights in that area of the map. if your map plays, then you don't have to worry about that error. If you have too many dynamic lights, your map won't even load, and i think the compile might even fail.

I'm willing to bet you have your switchable texlights set up wrong. try copy/pasting your switchable texlights into a small test map and see if they work that way..
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-14 15:50:21 UTC Post #291670
Texlights can be switchable??
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-14 18:03:57 UTC Post #291698
From what I've experienced.. from fresh install.. any random face on a solid or entity can only be effected by 3 different styles of point light entities.

(i.e. ... whether the color/pitch/brightness/effect: flicker, strobe/flags are checked: starts silent, toggled - basically anything that can distinguish the specific entity apart from the next light beside it effecting the same face)

Honestly... if you just match up all your lights to the exact same entity when that specific region of the map.. up there in the top left.. (towards the back of the z axis) as it seems from those numbers, it should drop the error warning and everything should work out fine..

also be sure to check for hair-line leaks that may reach planes in a different section from the lights that are causing the problem..

..otherwise, if it becomes too much of a hassle (and I've done this myself SEVERAL TIMES with the EXACT ERROR) just go through and redo ALL the lights of the map.. and be certain not to use more than 3 styles total.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-14 19:55:15 UTC Post #291710
Alright, I'll try those suggestions.
Texlights can be switchable??
Yes, but you need a later ZHLT, and the proper entries in your FGD. You can check to see if you have it by seeing if brush-based entities such as func_wall has a "Texlight style" option. I use it all the time for flickering lights.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-14 20:20:32 UTC Post #291712
It doesn't.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-14 20:26:19 UTC Post #291713
Hmm... I might be able to send you the FGD code later; Probably tomorrow, if you want it.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-14 22:59:56 UTC Post #291723
Sure, though I'd also need to know where to get them fancy new ZHLT.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-14 23:28:16 UTC Post #291726
Disco: i personally use the SHLT and i've never had a problem with them.. the latest ZHLT are obviously at ZHLT.info. afaik, the fgd that comes with the latest tools will have the info_texlight entity.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-14 23:37:17 UTC Post #291727
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-15 11:50:42 UTC Post #291737
yeah, info_texlight lets you define custom texture lights, but it won't let them be switchable or have any other properties of light entities aside from colour and brightness.
I have an appointment today, but when I get back I'll see if I can get that code in here.
Here it is; Paste this code into your "BaseClasses" section, under the @BaseClass=Sequence section.
//* "ZHLTReference.html" (included with the ZHLT Distribution) contains information on using these keys.
@BaseClass = ZHLTLightKeys
zhlt_lightflags(choices) : "HLRAD Opacity (ZHLT 2.5.1+)" : 0 =
	0: "Normal (0)"
	1: "Embedded Fix (1)"
	2: "Opaque (Blocks light) (2)"
	3: "Opaque + Embedded Fix (3)"
	6: "ConcaveFix (6)"
light_origin(string) : "Light Origin (ZHLT 2.5.1+)"

@BaseClass = ZhltLights
_fade(integer) : "Fade (ZHLT 2.5.1+)"
_falloff(choices) : "Falloff (ZHLT 2.5.1+)" : 2 =
	1: "Inverse Square (1)"
	2: "Inverse Linear (2)"

@BaseClass = TexLight
//NEW 1.0
style(choices) : "Texlight style" : 0 =
	0 : "Normal (on)"
	10: "Fluorescent flicker"
	2 : "Slow, strong pulse"
	11: "Slow pulse, noblack"
	5 : "Gentle pulse"
	1 : "Flicker A"
	6 : "Flicker B"
	3 : "Candle A"
	7 : "Candle B"
	8 : "Candle C"
	4 : "Fast strobe"
	9 : "Slow strobe"
	12: "Underwater"

@BaseClass = SwitchTexLight
//NEW 1.0
style(choices) : "Texlight style" : 0 =
	0 : "Normal (on)"
	-1: "Switchable (starts on)"
	-2: "Switchable (starts off)"
	10: "Fluorescent flicker"
	2 : "Slow, strong pulse"
	11: "Slow pulse, noblack"
	5 : "Gentle pulse"
	1 : "Flicker A"
	6 : "Flicker B"
	3 : "Candle A"
	7 : "Candle B"
	8 : "Candle C"
	4 : "Fast strobe"
	9 : "Slow strobe"
	12: "Underwater"
Also, the lights still don't work, even after making them all one func_wall, though the error goes away in the compile log. I may end up having to scrap the generator altogether and make a different puzzle.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-15 12:08:34 UTC Post #291740
Just in case you're not already, make sure you're following the steps The Mighty Atom lists in this thread, a couple posts down.

There are also a switchable texlights example map by BJ.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-15 13:29:00 UTC Post #291744
Okay, I tried setting the value to 3; Atom does mention that that's not needed if you're using Spirit, which I am, and makes the whole problem more confusing. I've tried setting them to be other values as well, such as fluorescent flicker, which works in other parts of the same map, but no dice they're still bright 100% of the time.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-15 13:36:27 UTC Post #291745
U try cuttin the lights out of the map, and see if they work in a simple test map alone?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-15 15:18:13 UTC Post #291747
No, not yet. I guess I should have tried that earlier, though I doubt it will help much.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-15 15:27:51 UTC Post #291748
Try this small example map i quickly put together:
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-15 16:33:54 UTC Post #291749
I looked at it, saw the lights were set up the exact same way, so I tried copying the light in and renaming it, and it worked.
I don't know why that worked and yet doing it the way I had it set up didn't, especially on spirit, but it did. Thanks much!
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