He needs because he can always upgrade his PC with out the need of a newer MoBo. Especially when prices drop for good GPUs in the future.
The Capacitors leak when there is a power problem, not have to do anything with the BIOS nor with the CPU. But if they are old and worn out the CPU can suffer (but that doesnt happen in less than 10 years).
You want what proved? That higher memory speed means better performance?
Motherboard is the single most important part of a good quality PC.
And if he is low on founds, Velociraptor inst a bad choice, since for the price of one 64GB SSD you can get a 300GB 15kRPM Sata 3 western digital Rapotr.
But he went for an 120gb ssd in the end, so no worry.
As for AMD cards, Nvidia is Nvidia, i dont need much to prove. Its more technical than just price and performance.