What's the difference between half life Created 12 years ago2012-12-01 20:55:33 UTC by poorboy22 poorboy22

Created 12 years ago2012-12-01 20:55:33 UTC by poorboy22 poorboy22

Posted 12 years ago2012-12-01 20:58:53 UTC Post #311270
(What's the difference between hl1 mapping and hl2 mapping?)

I'd just like to know the main differences, or similarities. Which is easier? Is the compiling of the maps the same? And any other useful information. The reason I ask is because I'm not entirely happy with the Goldsrc engine's graphics, so I might stop the production of my Goldsrc mod and try it on the Source engine. (although I imagine modding for goldsrc is much, much easier than modding for source.)

Thanks in advance

Posted 12 years ago2012-12-01 21:12:35 UTC Post #311271
Half-life 2 came out shortly after I started mapping, so basically I started mapping for both engines at the same time. Having learned them side by side I find source much easier to map for since it has a much easier way of creating and managing entities. Also source allowed me to hide my shit-architecture behind fancy props, something Half-life didn't offer.

Creating geometry, and the other basic stuff is exactly the same as it was in the old hammer. So if you know how to map for GoldSrc, then you can definitely map for Source.

However creating mods for Half-life is much simpler than creating mods for Half-life 2. In half-life you merely created a folder and copied some dlls. In source you've got a much bigger mess on your hands. Creating custom material (such as textures, or choreographed scenes) is more complicated. But don't let that scare you off, there are good tutorials on the internet on how to create mods for Half-life 2.

In other words, mapping is easier in source, but modding is somewhat harder.

Good luck
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-01 23:36:19 UTC Post #311273
HL1 much easier to make maps but it is have some limitations, source is fine but consume a lot of time to make something good.

there is a lot of entity changes between source and goldsrc mapping, if you are going for source, you will see complicated and different entity system but once you learn it, its peace of cake

also you have to use your architecture skills more harder because hl2 not blocky like hl1 much, there is displacamant more limits and compatibility's. (thats why I'm working with goldsrc now, easier..)

thats all I can say..
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-01 23:49:49 UTC Post #311274
I like how we contradicted each other on pretty much all points.

Can't see how you think the source entity system is harder. To me it seems to be much more straight forward. Especially when managing multiple outputs. Screw multi_managers, the source input/output system makes everything so much simpler.

Also, making architecture in Source is exactly the same as in GoldSrc. Shitty arch is shitty whether it's in goldsrc or source.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-02 00:27:44 UTC Post #311275
I feel source is very much the same, but with some little and some big differneces.

One big difference is resources. you will never run out of resources in source, and if you do you bigger problems ;)

One little difference is certain things like visgroups are improved, so much so they are kinda like a new tool, and drastically increases your workflow--especially quickhide and quickhide unselected--if you use them.

also it should be mentioned, the entity system is improved to an unbelievable level. It's a bit foreign at first compared to goldsource, but man, it possible to really do anything with source entities.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-02 01:46:30 UTC Post #311277
maybe it is easy system, but more function/feature = more time to work

thats what im trying to say, when you make big scenes etc, its start confusing specially if you are new with source sdk..

architecture is same, but source have more potential to make the geometric surface's.. and source is actually old for this new age so you have to work more for fine map. aggree with terror, you will never run out of resources in source so sometimes it takes a lot of time for modding and mapping etc.. thats what I'm trying to say
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-02 08:00:33 UTC Post #311285
Entity parenting in source is like god sent.
Although you need to put in more work into a map to make it source worthy.
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-02 08:05:50 UTC Post #311286
In short: less emphasis on brushes/brushwork, more emphasis on model props and displacements.
Lighting is also much, much more complex.
Triggers work the same way--fundamentally--except in Source any entity can be a trigger.
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-02 09:14:04 UTC Post #311290
hey i have found something that might help u:

Mapping in Source vs Half-Life
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-02 11:45:14 UTC Post #311292
Well this is certainly turning into a tough decision I'm going to have to make :-? I'm quite confident that I'd be able to pull off mapping for source. And I'm not THAT far into the creation of my hl1 mod, so I won't be losing too much work. So I'm definitely going to look into source mapping, then the next thing to look into is source model making, as I have absolutely no experience in that area.

Otherwise I'll just stick the Goldsrc mod.
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-02 16:52:44 UTC Post #311302
One of them Urby is good at, the other he is not.

Posted 12 years ago2012-12-02 17:21:41 UTC Post #311305
Urby hasn't even posted here...
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-02 17:35:51 UTC Post #311306
He's too much in love with gs to post here.
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-02 20:07:22 UTC Post #311307
Urby hasn't even posted here...
I don't recall ever saying he had, I just like ribbing on him whenever possible ;)
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