Sound card problims Created 11 years ago2013-03-26 17:22:57 UTC by Skals Skals

Created 11 years ago2013-03-26 17:22:57 UTC by Skals Skals

Posted 11 years ago2013-03-26 17:22:57 UTC Post #313159
Hello peoples! I've got an Asus Xonar DG soundcard, It works really well with my 2 speakers, but for some reason when I plug any headphones into the socket, I get strange background noise, that can sometimes get very loud! It's annoying! It doesn't happen on speakers, and the soundcard is designed for headphones so what the hell? I've tried changing pretty much all settings in the control panel, nothing works. Another very weird problem that i must fix, is the fact that any microphone i plug into the soundcard doesn't respond, same for the jacks on the motherboard! The only microphone i can get to work is the one i plug into a usb socket (video cam) Strange huh? Can anyone help me with this?
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-26 19:44:15 UTC Post #313161
Have you turned off your computer then back on?

Now turn it off again but instead of turning it back on, open it and make sure the card is properly seated in the slot.

Check for bad capacitors, that might be it. I'd call tech support...

Jacks on the motherboard are only for the on-board audio chip and are unrelated to any sound card you can have.
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-26 20:27:17 UTC Post #313162
Firstly an obvious question: did you try another set of headphones? (maybs it's an issue with the headphones)

Secondly, maybe the power in your building is shite and it's causing the noise, in which case a line conditioner for your power would fix it, though i'd consider this a longshot ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-26 20:34:48 UTC Post #313163
I know why, your sound card is shit.

Might be output circuitry.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-26 20:39:02 UTC Post #313164
Stojke all so helpful as always :D
Captain yes I have.
The building is shite, but it doesn't explain why speakers have no noise, and headphones have ridiculously loud static noise. It only happens when no audio is playing too on the headphones.
When I can be bothered to, I'll try unplugging it and plugging it back in, but I doubt that's the problem. Card is brand new, so is mother board.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-26 21:52:50 UTC Post #313166
In any case, it would be the other way around. Crap speakers would have a crap power supply for the amp which would let line noise filter into the audio output. Headphones don't have this problem because they don't have a power supply.

Maybe it is that the card is always noisy but the speakers are good enough that their amp filters the noise out, in which case I'd either return the card or get a different one.
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-26 22:35:04 UTC Post #313167
Have you tried the unofficial drivers?

Download link:

When installing, choose Low DPC latency, and don't disable driver certification signatures.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-28 13:49:54 UTC Post #313176
Is it windows 7? Try removing all the extra sound effects they force through the sound drivers.
Also try reducing the sound quality to see if that fixes anything.
If it does, you need a new soundcard, bro
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-28 21:01:16 UTC Post #313177
Yes It's windows 7, I already tried installing those drivers earlier potatis, made no difference. I reinstalled them for the sake of it, no change.
Tetsu0 how do i remove the 'extra sound effects' ?.

Edit: I unplugged it, cleaned it, plugged it back in. Problem persists!

Here's an idea; If I plug my speakers into the Soundcard, and Headphones into the MB, is it possible to make all main applications to run sound to the speakers, and specific ones like skype and teamspeak to run to the headphones, and have them both active at the same time? That could solve my problem!
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-28 22:36:21 UTC Post #313185
If you enable both audio devices from the device manager, you can configure Skype to use one of them to output. Probably Teamspeak too.
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-29 16:29:42 UTC Post #313193
Yeah turns out that the onboard automatically disables if one has a sound card. I've come to the conclusion that the sound card I have is just bad, I took it out, with the onboard there is no background noise. I have also just found out my on-board sound better than that soundcard D: gg faulty sound card.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
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