FX Color (R G B) What does it do ? Created 10 years ago2013-10-24 13:45:29 UTC by Malle Malle

Created 10 years ago2013-10-24 13:45:29 UTC by Malle Malle

Posted 10 years ago2013-10-24 13:45:29 UTC Post #316463
Well easy question for some, but i didn't get any clue of it.

no influence so far as i can see..

What does FX Color do to an object?
Posted 10 years ago2013-10-24 16:39:45 UTC Post #316464
You need an specific render mode to use it.

Glow or Pure Color.

With old ZHLT i remember you could make an func_wall or func_illusionary with AAATrigger texture and give it:

Render Mode: Pure Color
FX Color: R G B

And the entity will glow (as in display, it will not emit light) in that color. Also you can apply FX Amount (how visible) and Render FX (Display effect).

I have tried the same thing with VHLT but it didnt work.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
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