For those who don't know, the original premise of Rooms, was a TWHL COOP project to join unrealted rooms into one mod/mappack.
What say we try for a brand-new Rooms:S - Rooms II?
Rooms II Rules-In-Progress
1. Build a room with whatever theme you want. The only requirement of the room is that it has an entrance and an exit, and playable area does not exceed 2048x2048x2048 units.
2. Submissions should be Half-Life2: Episode 2 or GoldSrc formats--GS entries will be converted to HL2:EP2--, and you may use assets from any other games you like.
3. I'll volunteer again to build all the connecting hallways, BUT if an author so chooses, HE may build the hallway leading to the room in front of him.
4. Rooms II is finished when we stop receiving new entries, say a 1-month period of no submissions, means it's time to end the coop, and link them up for release.
5. Top-three rooms win a trophy and a yet-to-be-determined pile of Cash and/or Steam Bucks, winners chosen by community vote. Rooms II Runner's up will receive a participation medal. Contributors to the prize kitty ARE eligible to win a prize place!
^ If you'd like to see any of the above changed, AND/OR, nominate a new rule/restriction, please speak up! =P
Current Prize Kitty
- $20 in Steam games(Thanks to Archie!)
- Misc. Steam games(Thanks to AJ!)
- Contagion Steam key(Thanks to Strider!)
- Nuclear Dawn Steam key(Thanks to Strider!)
- 1 Packet of Gum(Thanks to TJB!) =P
- Frozen Synapse Steam key(Thanks to Silvertongue!)
- X-COM: Enemy Unknown Steam key(Thanks to Silvertongue!)
Captain Terror
Instant Mix
Tetsu0 (tentative)
Note to anyone new or just staring Source level design: This is the perfect time to get started by entering the coop, as you are going to learn A LOT about the the Source engine just by participating!
Notes on GS-to-EP2 conversion for potential GS authors
- Your brushwork would be directly converted, with no loss or broken brushes.
- Textures and alignment: i would rip wadincluded textures wholesale from your bsp or wad, convert them, and use Replace for a seamless transition.
- Brush-based entities will translate almost 100%
- Point-based Entity work: Inputs/Outputs would be written by me, per your specifications/requests, and the existing entities in your map.
- Displacements: I would be willing to make them as per your specifications and reference pics
- 3dsky: you could actually build this yourself in hammer 3.x, and i would simiply scale and implement it in the EP2 map.
- Testing the map: This brings the interesting/obvious question. All i can think of atm would be Crafty Object Viewer by Nem, which would allow you view the map in a primitive way. The only other way i can think of is screenies..