Help With My Texture Stretching Issue Created 9 years ago2015-12-18 20:06:52 UTC by DefendYourBase DefendYourBase

Created 9 years ago2015-12-18 20:06:52 UTC by DefendYourBase DefendYourBase

Posted 9 years ago2015-12-18 20:06:52 UTC Post #327806
This is my very first attempt to edit half life models. Im currently trying to get a headcrab from half life 2 onto my zombie head from half life 1. Replacing the crabhead with the newer HL2 one...

But it looks like i have something going on with the image stretching in Half Life Model viewer...

In milkshape3d the texture application looks right. But when converting the .qc file to make .mdl (the final products texture isnt right)

Here is a image to show what i mean.
I could use some help... ive come this far alone and now im officially stuck :/
User posted image
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-19 18:17:53 UTC Post #327818
Is the texture on the headcrab tiled at all?

I've seen something similar before when I have tried to tile a texture onto a HL1 model.

In milkshape this would look like the UV's outside of the texture mapping space that Milkshape provides.

Normally in a game engine this would be fine, but seems to either be an issue with milkshape, its exporter or with HL1 (don't know which).

Anyone know if HL1 supports tiled textures on models?
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-19 19:34:42 UTC Post #327819
I don't know about tiled textures, but it seems that the model was done with HL2 textures applied (those made of a grey one and rainbow-ish other), so I think that, when compiled, the program doesen' t know how to apply it correctly. Also the HL2 textures are bigger than the HL1 ones, which are limited to a 512x512 pixels, indexed color (256 colors).
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-20 19:50:09 UTC Post #327827
Actually. The textures i had to convert to .bmp 8bit

MilkShape3d wont process anything else other than that format for Half Life otherwise it would just hang or crash.

But in MilkShape3d it reads the headcrabsheet.bmp (8bit) just fine and applies the texture right in the program but just the finished .mdl product is stretched looking. Theres something im missing and i can't figure it out :S haha

ill get it eventually ;/
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-20 20:52:27 UTC Post #327828
mmmm, did you extract the uv map with hlmv and compare it with the one of the reference in milkshape?, maybe there's some clue of what's happening... In fact, even when you can import one smd file from one HL2 model, it's better to create your own uv map, I do so with Lithunwrap, and I have no problems at all with my models.
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-20 22:00:41 UTC Post #327829
No texture tiling for goldsource models; i'd double check the uv's if i were you.
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