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This new timer, unlike kreedz uses a zonal mechanism to enter and stop the timer rather than a button function.
So far the activation works, and also from my previous work i have ditched the sprites and used built-in textures that activates and deactivates.
However i have yet to get the stopping mechanism to work. Once I can figure it out then a reset function should be easy to do and I am happy to release the timer for projects such as BHOP, SURF, DEATHRUN etc.
Here is the project source code if you can help me in the right direction of how to stop the timer and i think i can do the reset function.
Source Code:
Anyone who can help me out with getting the timer to work i will include your name on the map as a design credit for helping me out with getting certain triggers to work.
I am interested in how to get multi_trigger and trigger_relay to stop function while it is running.