God I love that 100,000 Revenants in SnapMap video.
The designs are hit and miss.
The Revenant looks pretty much how I imagined he would in HD, but they've nerfed his threat level something huge. He gained a jetpack, but lost the stinging homing rockets. Now he fires off crazy scattershot rockets that seem fly everywhere but your direction.
Soldiers are forgettable as they always were, but less of a ranged threat now that they've traded in their hitscan weapons for slow projectiles. There are also mindless fodder zombies now that shamble around the levels being about as useful as Ant in an Aussie accent competition
(you son of a bitch! -AJ). The Imp's got a nice mobility overhaul, being able to cling to walls and the like, but it looks like an alien lifted right out of X-COM (which is cool, but it's an odd choice).
Pinkies grew freakish armour and take heavily reduced damage from the front, forcing you to shoot 'em in the ass, but now you'll never encounter more than two, maybe three at a time. No more hordes of pink, fleshy muscle walls closing in on you.
Pain Elementals buggered off somewhere and didn't come back. Cacodemons are pretty much the same. As passive a fight as ever, but just not nearly as cute.
Barons of Hell and Hell Knights have been separated into very different looking classes. One resembling the eyeless Doom 3 design, and the other resembling the classic pink-skinned, green fireball-throwing, horned bugger. They also leap around like some kind of leapy thing on leap-enhancing crack, and close in on you very quickly. I actually really like what they've done with these guys, they're bigger and badder in all the right ways.
Lost souls are useless and die in about two hits. Guess they were afraid of making them anywhere near as antagonising as they used to be. Pain Elementals & Arch-viles are nowhere to be seen. There is a new enemy that loosely fills the Vile's role, except it's far less fierce, doesn't put anywhere near the pressure on you that the Vile does. I hate that son of a bitch. The new Mancubus is a disaster.
Won't spoil what they've done with the real big, bad demons of Doom, except to say they're... different.
In general it seems that because there's far less monsters on screen they've tried to make them harder hitting and more mobile, to varying degrees of success. Some of them are well reimagined, others not so much. I've been meaning to write up a Doom review for some practice but I'm being super lazy about it. My opinion of the game is sort of wearing thin since finishing it, and it was only ever that it was "just alright".