Multiple mapping questions Created 7 years ago2017-06-15 20:56:59 UTC by Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy Zombie

Created 7 years ago2017-06-15 20:56:59 UTC by Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy Zombie

Posted 7 years ago2017-06-15 20:56:59 UTC Post #335530
How Can I make sprites and use It in my future maps? How create a custom sound? How make an animated texture for my map and how include my textures to .bsp?
Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy ZombieIch bin ein tier
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-15 21:13:40 UTC Post #335531
For sprites, I advise you to use HL Texture Tools.
It's so easy that you don't need explanations.
You can choose the sprite orientation (parallel oriented, oriented, and many more), and the sprite type (indexaplha, alpha-testing, normal and additive).

In order to create a custom sound, you need GoldWave.
It's seriously the best in its category.
Basically, make a sound, then resample it to maximally 22025Hz (22KHz for short). Then save the sound as a WAV file, with attributes like "mono, 8-bit PCM, unsigned".

How to make an animated texture? Hmm...
I can't remember that one, actually. I think it's like each individual texture for each frame:


COMP1B being the base, and +1, +2, +3 etc. being the frames. GoldSRC can handle up to 10 frames and their framerate is always 10fps. I mean... their rate is 10Hz.

You can include textures into the BSP file like this:
User posted image
(РУССКИЙ! Иди на А, иди на Б. Раш Б, раш б! СУКА БЛЬЯТ!!! Lol)

In short, go to the CSG process (in the Expert mode) and add this:

-wadinclude [name].wad
You can include as many as you want. If you just want to pack EVERY texture you used in the map, then I think there's this command "-nowadtextures".

There we go. Thank me later. I think I got it wrong about animated textures, though. Check. :)
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-15 21:22:35 UTC Post #335533

The303 has a lot of tutorials on his site:

(РУССКИЙ! Иди на А, иди на Б. Раш Б, раш б! СУКА БЛЬЯТ!!! Lol)
Was it really necessary to type this?
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-15 21:30:19 UTC Post #335534
Absolutely necessary. :D
Russian is the only language where I'll ever say bad words, lol.
I was just making a joke out of it because I actually set J.A.C.K. to display it in Russian language, because I wanted to see how many words I'd recognise.

Anyway, I'll be back tomorrow to extend my original answer. Well, it's 0:30 here, so I guess tomorrow is today. So, I'll do it today. ;)
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-15 21:35:13 UTC Post #335535
Try switching to Belarussian instead.
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-15 21:45:13 UTC Post #335537
Eggcellent idea! >:D
I'm not sure why you're recommending me to switch it to Belarussian, but I guess it's funnier. xD
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-15 21:48:31 UTC Post #335538
Do you know im asking It how make It for Source, not goldsrc ;)
Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy ZombieIch bin ein tier
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-15 22:04:57 UTC Post #335539

Oh... Sorry then. I'm not much of a Source mapper so I can't help you with that :( But Source is more popular than GoldSource, so I suppose there's a shitload of Source tutorials at the web. Valve Developer Community is a great place to start.


Basically belarusian is similar to russian, just 10 times funnier.
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-15 22:24:01 UTC Post #335540
"Source Engine Discussion"
Oh, epic fail for me. xD

Ah well, as I've said, tomorrow-today. Technically today, just not now.

Before I leave, I think you can include the textures into the BSP with PakRat, there are some nice tools at Nemesis' website.

The animated textures are pretty easy to do with VTFEdit, you basically imporr multiple pictures into 1 texture file and it's automatically animated. Of course, my memory doesn't serve me the best, so I'll have to go through all of that stuff again. :)

As for sprites, I wonder how to make them, too. Maybe it's easier than I thought.

And sounds? Well... it's a little bit different, but it can still be done with GoldWave and the format is WAV.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-16 13:40:35 UTC Post #335552
Alright, I prepared the animated textures and sprites.

In order to make an animated texture:

1. Open VTFEdit
2. Go to File -> Import

3. Select the first texture:
User posted image
And then hold Shift on your keyboard, and click on the last one.

4. Press Enter.

Now you'll get this:
User posted image
Normal Format: DXT1
Alpha Format: DXT5
Texture Type: Animated Texture

5. Save the file, like this:
User posted image
NOTE: It doesn't necessarily have to have "animated" in the name.
And yes, save it in the VTF format.

6. Go back to VTFEdit, and go to tab Tools and press Create VMT File:
User posted image
animated_blin/animated_blin is the path to the texture.
Basically, you put the textures into the materials folder.
A VMT tells Source where the VTF files are. It also tells some characteristics about the texture.

So, if the VMT has "blahblah/texture" referenced there, then you'll have to put "texture.vtf" in "materials/blahblah/".
User posted image
Aaaand, there's more.

The shader will be LightmappedGeneric if you're planning to use it as a texture for maps. Surface1 should be Default, unless you want different sounds and decals for it. If you have a wood texture, then it's more likely that Surface1 will be Wood_Plank or something like that.

And then create that VMT file.

However! However, however.
You need to make it animated.

Open that VMT which was created by VTFEdit, and it should look like this:
User posted image
There's something left to add there.
User posted image
Everything with // are comments.
For example, "x = 1 //This makes x have a value of 1".
Only x = 1 is taken into consideration. Everything after // is pretty much ignored. :)

And after you're done with that, save the VMT and make sure they're in the same folder:
User posted image
Oh, by the way, the animated_blin2.vmt is the one I used while writing this thread. I used the first one just to make sure if it works, so I can write this later. xd

I think that we're done with this rough overview of animated textures.

Now onto sprites:
User posted image
It is possible! I think they can be animated in the same way, lol. XD

Anyway, the process is roughly the same.

In VTFEdit, while creating a VMT, just do it like this:
User posted image
The shader should be Sprite, and if you want it to be additive, well... just tick the Additive flag.
The VMT should look like this:
User posted image
Easy peasy. xd

Although, I don't quite know how to solve this:
User posted image
The sprite's centre, for some reason, is wrong. xd

Music + embedding stuff into BSPs coming right up in a matter of hours.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-16 19:30:32 UTC Post #335557
And now, custom sounds and packing your stuff into the BSP file.

Custom sounds:

1. Open GoldWave or your preferred audio-editing software
2. Open the sound file you want to convert.
User posted image
In my case it's Mile Kitić i Južni Vetar - Ja neću ljepšu ("I don't want a prettier one", wow, in south-Slavic it's just 3 words)

3. Save it as a WAV file:
User posted image
It should be PCM signed, 16-bit, mono. Not stereo!
Now, after you've done that:

4. Resample the sound to 44.1KHz:
User posted image
I'm not sure whether you can use 48KHz, though. xd

5. Save it again and copy it to your "sound" directory:
User posted image
I just put "radio_456" because... well, that's some sort of a signature by me. :3

6. Create an ambient_generic in Hammer and find your sound.
Also, untick "Start Silent" in the properties and set Start Volume to 10.

Hmm, let's bring all of this into the BSP file:

Download Pakrat. It's a nice little tool. :]

After you've downloaded it, extract it somewhere and run the .jar file.
When you open Pakrat, it will ask you to find the BSP you want to open. Find it and then open it.
User posted image
As you can see, I've already added some things there, and it's looking good so far. Basically, there's the Add button at the bottom of the window.

When you want to pack files into the BSP, Pakrat will also ask you if you want Pakrat to fix the paths (like C:/Program Files/blah blah blah). Just say Yes.

And I've just realised - I have Source games on Steam, why did I even do this on a... uh, screw it. Now I'm going to get rekt. x)
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-17 21:04:52 UTC Post #335560
Alright, that's it.

Any more questions? >:)

Edit: Really? No more questions? That makes me legitimately sad. :(
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-17 21:49:26 UTC Post #335562
Looks hard... I think I still mapping un goldsrc
Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy ZombieIch bin ein tier
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-18 06:05:38 UTC Post #335566
Looks hard? Well... what else can you expect from an engine which is pretty superior compared to GoldSRC?

Don't worry. If you want to learn this stuff, you can always start off with the basics and then do more complex things. Just don't be lazy, that's one of the worse things that can happen to you. :3
See, I was lazy and I still haven't learnt any C# yet. I'm still fighting that. Organise yourself some time to learn making textures for Source, then practice audio editing, and finally, you can do all of this stuff!

Look at me, I actually didn't know exactly how to do animated textures, Source sounds, sprites and packing stuff into BSPs before. I learned it all in one day because I've already had experience in making regular textures, working with audio and simple file management.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-18 12:22:11 UTC Post #335574
Well, Source is easier than UE4 though.
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-18 12:45:01 UTC Post #335575
And it's easier than CryEngine. One thing is certain, though, if you learn any of those up to a specific level, you'll be able to do wonders with them. :3
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
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