I want to make new textures. Created 7 years ago2017-07-09 12:24:03 UTC by WorstMapper WorstMapper

Created 7 years ago2017-07-09 12:24:03 UTC by WorstMapper WorstMapper

Posted 7 years ago2017-07-09 12:24:03 UTC Post #335950
This is my first post. (Hi everyone.)
As i said i want to make some different textures.

Question 1: What program i should use?
Question 2: I saw a map. It had different wads from standart one. But when i coppied map, there was no wad files. How i can do it? Is it adding wads on bsp files?
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-09 13:06:51 UTC Post #335951
To make your own textures you should use any graphics software you're familiar with. Photoshop is recommended choice, I use Gimp which is just as good and free. When you're done with your texture, save it as 8bit .bmp Next step is creating your wad. Wally is a really good tool for it. You simply drag and drop your image to newly created wad then save it. To add textures to your map in editor you need a wad file with textures. You can embed textures to your map using a compiler's command.

You may want to check tutorials and references posted here recently by The303. I haven't checked it, but I believe that you'll find detailed explanations there.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-09 16:04:30 UTC Post #335957
.wads are usually external files located inside of the game directory that the map then loads.

Sometimes you can pack textures directly and ditch .wads altogether, but this bloats the size of the map and isn't really recommended except for singular, custom maps.

Wally is a good program to use if you want to pack supported texture files into a .wad. I recommend Photoshop for editing and designing files.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-09 17:32:04 UTC Post #335958
If you are using GIMP, I suggest saving it as standard 24bitBMP and either A: Let Wally do the conversion to 8bit or use IRFANVIEW conversion. I say this because ive found GIMP has a very nasty habit of doing bad dithering or color choices when doing the conversion. Worse is when you are doing transparent textures and it saves it as the wrong color. My texture series is here give it a read. While it is written for photoshop mainly there is alternative methods in the tutorial you can skip to:

Also, to answer your question, yes those maps that have custom textures without a wad had them packed in with the CSG command.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-09 17:37:39 UTC Post #335960
Aye, IRFANVIEW does the best job of converting to indexed 8-bit colour in my opinion. It even does batch conversions. Then next would be Photoshop.

Can't speak for GIMP though. And I wouldn't trust Wally to do the conversion.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-09 20:05:43 UTC Post #335961
Well i searched that programs and now im using Wally and Paint with combined Photoshop. I noticed GIMP and IRFANWIEW for helper. So thank you guys :)

Im working on some tetris wads ;)

@The303 WHOAAA That was what i need. Thank you so much O.o
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-10 10:08:55 UTC Post #335965
I had good luck using paint.net and getting source images from textures.com.

Wally takes a bit to yet used to however.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-10 10:18:43 UTC Post #335966
I prefer to make my texrues from zero. ( even it won't be like proffessional textures. They're look like 8 bit PixelArt lolz )
For some hand trainings :) That's why i use paint and photoshop.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-10 14:39:29 UTC Post #335972
Well i made some textures.
but my ~ light textures isn't giving light lol.

For example: i made a texture and named it ~0light
i made second texture and name it ~1light
They're not brighting.
Why? Did i do something wrong?
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-10 15:32:24 UTC Post #335973
To make a texture emit light, you need to create an info_texlights entity.

Then you need to go into it's properties and turn off SmartEdit. After that you need to create a new key.
The name of your new key must be the name of the texture you need to emit light. In the "value" field you need to specify the amount of Red, Green, and Blue color (with the cap of 255) and the brightness.

There are some other methods, but this is the most newbie-friendly one.

Also, I suggest you to read ALL the Half-Life mapping tutorials on this site. They are really useful.

And check this thread.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-10 15:33:19 UTC Post #335974
Creating a new entity? Whoa that looks uber hard for me :D
Even i'm using entities hardly.
Well, let's try!
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-10 15:44:03 UTC Post #335975
Sorry, I meant you need to place that entity. It comes with new ZHLT/newer VHLT compilers.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-10 15:46:35 UTC Post #335976
Otherwise you can add it in your lights.rad file. You should have an example file in the directory of whatever compiler you're using.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-10 15:50:35 UTC Post #335977
Making texlights with lights.rad is obsolete.

There's also a light_surface entity. It's basically an improved info_texlights, but you need to place a separate light_surface for every texlight.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-10 16:16:38 UTC Post #335978

YAY! I did it!

@Loulimi thank you so much :)
I backuped and edited my lights.rad so yea it worked.

And i'm making some glowing glyph...
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-10 16:34:39 UTC Post #335980
But I still suggest you to use light_surface or at least info_texlights.
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-10 19:56:44 UTC Post #335981
If i learn why not ;)
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-23 22:40:05 UTC Post #336284
Making texlights with lights.rad is obsolete.
Literally the only way I do it. Creating an info_textlights across multiple maps with the same values is just needless busy work.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
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