Having issues making a skin for a model im working on Created 6 years ago2018-10-26 05:53:20 UTC by guest3444307 guest3444307

Created 6 years ago2018-10-26 05:53:20 UTC by guest3444307 guest3444307

Posted 6 years ago2018-10-26 05:53:20 UTC Post #341081
(the issue at hand has been fixed)
I'm working on a barney model and I'm trying to make a skin, I'm following the $texturegroup part here http://the303.org/tutorials/gold_qc.htm and I've tried to get the model to work with the example there and I tried very hard but its not working, im not sure why, the model compiles just fine but the skins don't work, at all (the skin section is non existent) im trying to get this to work but its not and im not sure so can someone help, heres the qc file

$modelname "barney.mdl"
$cd "./"
$cdtexture "./"
$scale 1.0
$flags 0
$bbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$cbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$eyeposition 0.000000 0.000000 63
$origin 0 0 0 0
$hbox 3 "bip01 pelvis" -9.89 -5.66 -8.6 2.94 6.52 6.79
$hbox 6 "bip01 l leg" 0 -5.92 -4 19.370001 3.78 3.73
$hbox 6 "bip01 l leg1" 0 -5.69 -3.62 18.83 3.07 2.94
$hbox 6 "bip01 l foot" 0 -2.99 -4.04 6.42 8.68 1.61
$hbox 7 "bip01 r leg" 0 -5.93 -3.87 19.27 3.75 3.79
$hbox 7 "bip01 r leg1" -0.33 -5.73 -2.98 18.950001 2.96 3.19
$hbox 7 "bip01 r foot" 0 -3.24 -2.32 6.21 8.44 3.28
$hbox 3 "bip01 spine" 0 -4.89 -6.97 8.37 8 6.73
$hbox 2 "bip01 spine2" 0 -3.46 -8.32 6.11 8 7.53
$hbox 2 "bip01 spine3" -1 -5.99 -8.22 5.96 8 8.48
$hbox 4 "bip01 l arm" -0.4 -4.18 0 7.2 4.75 4.2
$hbox 4 "bip01 l arm1" -2.52 -4.57 -3.92 9.86 2.28 3.43
$hbox 4 "bip01 l arm2" 0 -2.85 -2.08 11.9 2.85 2.75
$hbox 4 "bip01 l hand" 0 -1.32 -2.29 4.66 2.6 1.65
$hbox 5 "bip01 r arm" 0 -4.15 -4.19 7.53 4.12 4.24
$hbox 5 "bip01 r arm1" -2.69 -4.65 -3.42 9.47 2.28 3.76
$hbox 5 "bip01 r arm2" 0 -2.73 -2.56 11 3.14 2.19
$hbox 5 "bip01 r hand" 0 -1.32 -2.91 10.38 3.23 4
$hbox 1 "bip01 head" -0.66 2.25 -4.24 6 7.97 3.63
$hbox 10 "bip01 head" -0.66 -4.25 -5.24 6 2.25 4.63
$hbox 10 "bip01 head" 6 -4.25 -5.24 11.19 7.97 4.63
$controller 0 "bip01 head" xr -60 60
$controller mouth "bone05" zr 0 45
$attachment 0 "bip01 R hand" 25 0 5
$body "head" "barneyhead"
$body "mesh" "barney-x_template_biped(gun-hlstr)1"
$bodygroup "guns"
studio "casuallife"
studio "gunman"
studio "barney-x_template_biped(gun)1"
$bodygroup "helmsandvest"
studio "barney-x_template_biped1"
studio "nohelm"
studio "novest"
studio "veshemles"
$sequence "idle1" "idle1" act_idle 50 fps 15 loop rotate 270
$sequence "idle2" "idle2" act_idle 1 fps 15 rotate 270
$sequence "idle3" "idle3" act_idle 1 fps 15 rotate 270
$sequence "idle4" "idle4" act_idle 10 fps 12 rotate 270
$sequence "walk" "walk" ACT_WALK 1 { event 1004 3 "common/npc_step1.wav" } { event 1004 18 "common/npc_step3.wav" } fps 30 loop LX
$sequence "run" "run" ACT_RUN 1 { event 1004 5 "common/npc_step2.wav" } { event 1004 13 "common/npc_step4.wav" } fps 25 loop LX
$sequence "shootgun" "shootgun_blend01" "shootgun_blend02" act_range_attack1 1 blend "xr" -50 50 { event 5001 0 "21" } { event 3 0 } fps 25 rotate 270
$sequence "shootgun2" "shootgun2_blend01" "shootgun2_blend02" act_range_attack1 2 blend "xr" -50 50 { event 5001 0 "21" } { event 3 0 } fps 40 rotate 270
$sequence "draw" "draw" act_arm 1 { event 2 7 } fps 20 rotate 270
$sequence "disarm" "disarm" act_disarm 1 { event 4 15 } fps 10 rotate 270
$sequence "reload" "reload" act_reload 1 fps 15 rotate 270
$sequence "turnleft" "turnleft" act_turn_left 1 fps 15 rotate 270
$sequence "turnright" "turnright" act_turn_right 1 fps 15 rotate 270
$sequence "laflinch" "laflinch" act_flinch_leftarm 1 fps 16 rotate 270
$sequence "raflinch" "raflinch" act_flinch_rightarm 1 fps 16 rotate 270
$sequence "llflinch" "llflinch" act_flinch_leftleg 1 fps 20 rotate 270
$sequence "rlflinch" "rlflinch" act_flinch_rightleg 1 fps 20 rotate 270
$sequence "smlflinch" "smlflinch" act_small_flinch 1 fps 30 rotate 270
$sequence "cower_stand" "cower_stand" fps 14 rotate 270
$sequence "locked_door" "locked_door" fps 28 loop rotate 270
$sequence "fall_loop" "fall_loop" fps 28 loop rotate 270
$sequence "barn_wave" "barn_wave" fps 22 rotate 270
$sequence "beat_grunt" "beat_grunt" fps 14 rotate 270
$sequence "beat_gruntidle" "beat_gruntidle" fps 14 loop rotate 270
$sequence "flashlight" "flashlight" { event 1004 5 "*buttons/latchunlocked2.wav" } fps 14 loop rotate 270
$sequence "diesimple" "diesimple" act_die_headshot 1 { event 2001 5 } fps 15 x rotate 270
$sequence "dieviolent" "dieviolent" act_die_headshot 1 { event 2001 10 } fps 20 x rotate 270
$sequence "diegutshot" "diegutshot" act_die_gutshot 1 { event 2001 33 } fps 15 x rotate 270
$sequence "dieforward" "dieforward" act_dieforward 1 { event 2001 8 } fps 18 x rotate 270
$sequence "diebackward" "diebackward" act_diebackward 1 { event 2001 19 } fps 15 x rotate 270
$sequence "diecrump" "diecrump" act_diesimple 2 { event 2001 13 } fps 18 x rotate 270
$sequence "barnaclehit" "barnaclehit" act_barnacle_hit 1 fps 15 rotate 270
$sequence "barnaclepull" "barnaclehit" act_barnacle_pull 1 fps 45 loop rotate 270
$sequence "barnaclecrunch" "barnaclecrunch" act_barnacle_chomp 1 fps 5 rotate 270
$sequence "barnaclechew" "barnaclechew" act_barnacle_chew 1 fps 5 loop rotate 270
$sequence "lying_on_back" "lying_on_back" fps 5 rotate 270
$sequence "lying_on_side" "lying_on_side" fps 5 rotate 270
$sequence "lying_on_stomach" "lying_on_stomach" fps 5 rotate 270
$sequence "stuffed_in_vent" "stuffed_in_vent" fps 5 rotate 270
$sequence "standing_idle" "standing_idle" fps 15 loop rotate 270
$sequence "cprbarney" "cprbarney" fps 20 loop rotate 270
$sequence "cprbarneyrevive" "cprbarneyrevive" fps 20 rotate 270
$sequence "barney_dragvent" "barney_dragvent" { event 1000 1 } fps 15 rotate 270
$sequence "dying_barney" "dying_barney" { event 1000 1 } fps 18 rotate 270
$sequence "dying_barneyidle" "dying_barneyidle" fps 12 loop rotate 270
$sequence "dying_friend" "dying_friend" fps 18 rotate 270
$sequence "dying_friendidle" "dying_friendidle" fps 12 loop rotate 270
$sequence "c1a3_bidle" "c1a3_bidle" fps 3 ax ay azr rotate 270
$sequence "c1a3_ventb" "c1a3_ventb" { event 1000 1 } fps 18 ax ay azr rotate 270
$sequence "c1a3_emergeidle" "c1a3_emergeidle" fps 16 loop ax ay azr rotate 270
$sequence "c1a3_emerge" "c1a3_emerge" { event 1000 1 } fps 16 ax ay azr rotate 270
$sequence "haulbarney" "haulbarney" { event 1000 1 } fps 18 ax ay azr rotate 270
$sequence "intropush" "intropush" { event 1004 15 "*buttons/blip1.wav" } { event 1004 24 "*buttons/blip1.wav" } { event 1004 34 "*buttons/blip1.wav" } { event 1004 44 "*buttons/blip1.wav" } fps 16 rotate 270
$sequence "fence" "fence" { event 1000 70 } { event 1003 70 "lightning" } { event 1001 70 } { event 1004 72 "weapons/electro4.wav" } { event 1008 100 "barney/ba_pain2.wav" } fps 24 ax ay azr rotate 270
$sequence "sit1" "sit1" { event 1003 50 "introchair" } { event 1003 102 "introchair" } fps 20 loop rotate 270
$sequence "almostidle" "almostidle" fps 16 loop rotate 270
$sequence "almost" "almost" { event 1000 1 } fps 26 rotate 270
$sequence "laseridle" "laseridle" fps 6 rotate 270
$sequence "laser_top" "laser_top" { event 1000 0 } fps 6 rotate 270
$sequence "laser_bottom" "laser_bottom" { event 1000 0 } fps 6 rotate 270
$sequence "barneyfallidle" "barneyfallidle" fps 33 loop rotate 270
$sequence "barneyfall" "barneyfall" { event 1000 1 } { event 1008 2 "barney/ba_pain1.wav" } { event 1008 24 "barney/ba_pain2.wav" } { event 1003 55 "bsplat" } { event 1008 55 "debris/bustflesh1.wav" } fps 32 rotate 270
$sequence "c3a2_draw" "c3a2_draw" { event 2 13 } fps 16 rotate 270
$sequence "unlatch" "unlatch" { event 1003 7 "barney_door_lock" } fps 12 rotate 270
$sequence "retina" "retina" fps 20 rotate 270
$sequence "relaxstand" "relaxstand" fps 10 loop rotate 270
$sequence "assassinated" "assassinated" { event 1000 1 } { event 1003 1 "blood1" } { event 1003 2 "blood2" } fps 18 x rotate 270
$sequence "trackswitch" "trackswitch" { event 1003 14 "trainarmswitch" } fps 22 rotate 270
$sequence "pepsiswing" "pepsiswing" { event 1003 1 "die" } { event 1003 8 "swing" } fps 25 rotate 270
$sequence "pepsipush" "pepsipush" { event 1003 51 "topple" } { event 1003 90 "horror" } fps 18 rotate 270
$sequence "buttonpush" "buttonpush" { event 1003 7 "button" } fps 20 rotate 270
$texturegroup "skinfamilies"
Posted 6 years ago2018-10-26 07:53:37 UTC Post #341082
If you're using my model viewer to view the result it will incorrectly show the skins as empty. Remove "$externaltextures" to avoid this.

That command isn't really used anymore these days so you don't have to worry about it.
Posted 6 years ago2018-10-26 18:14:33 UTC Post #341083
Well now the skin tab worked but it only shows 1 skins, it shows this On Jed's HLMV and Paranoia 2 HLMV
Posted 6 years ago2018-10-27 06:08:18 UTC Post #341084
Seems like you need the textures inline for example here is what HGRUNT looks like:
$texturegroup "skinfamilies"
{ "newarm.bmp" "Handback.bmp" "helmet.bmp" }
{ "newarm(dark).bmp" "handback(dark).bmp" "helmet(dark).bmp" }
1st line is original textures, and second is replacement. You seem to have your in different lines.
Also unrelated and curious, why is all your sequences rotated 270? If you are still using mdldec.exe or MS3Ds decompiler, you shoudn't use those since they are outdated and can cause issues. Use the latest version of Crowbar.exe in this configuration:
GoldSrc ConfigGoldSrc Config
Posted 6 years ago2018-10-27 06:54:02 UTC Post #341085
? what do you mean by "You seem to have your in different lines." I'm not really sure what you mean by that, but I did format the original and replacement textures correctly (I think) the original is first and the replacements are after that in the order I want, is the issue that I need to change more than 1 texture?

Answering the unrelated question: I used those since I originally decompiled the model I was working on with Crowbar_2016-02-28_0.34 which is very outdated, and so the animations were rotated the wrong way, the reason I got the new crowbar is because you told me that 0.34 breaks walking and running so I replaced those but not the other animations since they were working and only required the rotation, but I've replaced the animations with the new ones due to a failed experiment, i haven't tried to see if the animations are rotated the wrong way because of rotate 270 because I've been trying to get this to work (sorry if there are grammar mistakes or you cant really understand what i wrote, its 2:52 am)

Edit: found out i made a typo but it still doesn't show the other skins {"Base_MD.bmp"} {"Base_M_D.bmp"}
Posted 6 years ago2018-10-28 22:20:17 UTC Post #341090
Your model does not walk because it does not displace in the model editor. I mean it does not "move" it only did the walking movement without movin in the z axis.

If the walking animation say it has 4 frames your model is doing this walking on an imaginary line, that is, the Z axis.

START LINE Frame1____________________END OF THE LINE

It should do this

START LINE Frame1,Frame2,Frame3,Frame4 END OF THE LINE

Unless it moves in the editor, it will not move in game.
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-01 22:05:20 UTC Post #341121
Abbadon? what in the world are you talking about, I never was talking about walking I only mentioned it since the303 was wondering, it has NOTHING to do with what I have been asking for, I'm asking for what I'm doing wrong with the skin, I still don't know, sorry if this came as a rude response, its just that it has nothing to do what I'm asking for, I'm asking for how to get skins to work and how to set up the qc command, I still don't know what I did wrong
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-03 16:45:05 UTC Post #341158
Sorry, mixed thread for me (I did read one and answer on other one, replying forums from a shitty smartphone always lead to troube) aniway don´t you worry for being rude cos you were not, where I live you´ll be considered a kind and peaceful person. ;)
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-03 20:00:39 UTC Post #341161
oh ok thanks, but I still wish someone would reply since now looking at the303's response I'm confused since it looks like I'm doing it right since he thought I did something wrong by mixing up my textures when my textures are in the right place, original, first and then after replacements, and it looks like I did everything right, but I don't get anything
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-03 22:41:31 UTC Post #341166
Mmm, did not touch the modelling program for a long time, but, did you try to assign the textures to the groups-meshes in the model editor?. I mean the new ones. I did not understand quite well what you are trying to do, but for what I can understand you are trying to have diferent skins in the same model like the grunts have, right?

"Edit: found out i made a typo but it still doesn't show the other skins {"Base_MD.bmp"} {"Base_M_D.bmp"}"
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-04 04:20:36 UTC Post #341171
yeah I'm trying to have the texture for the skin swap out for other texture, but I'm not sure what you mean about "did you try to assign the textures to the groups-meshes in the model editor?." do you mean assigning more textures to the model, I thought you can only assign 2 per model, could you please explain more since I'm not a expert at skin groups, this is actually my first attempt at it, if you need to I can give you everything I was using for this, but warning, a lot of it is useless, since I'm terrible at organizing things, I just remember where everything I need is.
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-04 17:39:55 UTC Post #341185
I think the model should have one body for each skin. i.e: it has one body with text 1. one for tex 2 and another for tex 3, then you have to compile it with as much bodies as it has. I did never build a model like that, the only thing I did with several bodies is compile a model that have more verts and faces than allowed by the compiler.
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-05 21:47:02 UTC Post #341200
I've tried that, worked for the scientist model I made but not the barney model, since as stated before, the model when injured changes to a different body group and then changes back to the original when it dies, still not sure why so I'm trying skins to see if it works (I think your talking about using $bodygroup for skins instead of $texturegroup)

edit: could the issue possibly be the placement of $texturegroup in my QC file?
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-06 03:31:19 UTC Post #341203
What does your current QC look like? One other thing is that if your first texture skin is not the starting one on your model it can fail to change as well. So for example your SMD starts with "shirt_a.bmp" but the skin line goes like this:

$texturegroup skins

{ "shirt_b.bmp"  }
{ "shirt_a.bmp" }

It can fail to work. Furthermore the placement can be an issue sometimes. If you want to go with a safe bet try moving the whole texturegroup block before your sequence lines.
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-06 06:46:36 UTC Post #341204
I've set the textures correctly I've set the original texture used in the model as the first texture skin
this is the original texture in in the modelthis is the original texture in in the model
just in case the img doesn't show up for some reason since im not sure how IMG works in this website so here it is just in case

if needed I can just send you the files, since right now it looks like I'm having trouble communicating the problem I have
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-06 16:07:51 UTC Post #341208
the model when injured changes to a different body group and then changes back to the original when it dies
Call me crazy, but I´m sure that feature is related to coding...
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-06 20:50:41 UTC Post #341210
if needed I can just send you the files, since right now it looks like I'm having trouble communicating the problem I have
I think that would be best imo. Also if you have the original model you decompiled just in case. Usually whenever people have issues with decompiles from older versions of crowbar/mdldec its sometimes better to do another decompile with the latest crowbar and go off the fresh QC since it sounds like you are continually working to fix the old one.

Oh and instead of using Jed's 1.36 HLMV use Solos Standalone ver:

Last edit: Are you using any mods or anything? That dying/changing skin is a weird issue ive not seen.
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-10 07:58:14 UTC Post #341224
No I'm not using mods to my knowledge, if I am then its by accident, well, how did I manage that, since I never installed a mod related to models, and why only the barney model, this is just a confusing scenario, especially since I wasn't the one who found out about this but someone I'm working on a mod with found out about this, I tested it, and same thing happened to me, so unless we both unknowingly are using the same mod or if I somehow messed up somewhere, well I don't know, well here are the files

all my files (a ton of junk, sorry I'm very messy)

All 3 different models, the one using bodygroups, one using skins that doesn't work, and the original model I decompiled

p.s. the only reason that I use Jed usually is since its stuck as my default, I've tried changing it but I don't know how and I'm too lazy to find out how to fix it, but other than Jed I use paranoia 2 hlmv version 1.3.0

p.p.s. abbadon, possibly, that would mean I would've done it on pure accident

p.p.p.s: Sorry for the late response.
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-11 06:27:42 UTC Post #341229
Can you Rar the whole thing? mediafire wont let me folder download, only individual files. Also for clarity what QC are you using? There is multiples
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-11 10:53:28 UTC Post #341230
p.p.s. abbadon, possibly, that would mean I would've done it on pure accident
Did you do some modifications to the source code? I mean, messing with the SDK and MSVC+ 2008 or whatever C++ editor of your choice. :\
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-14 01:54:07 UTC Post #341240
to the303, I'm using studiomdldecompilertest.qc, and here it is Rarweded (I also included what I use to compile)

to Abaddon, no I didn't modify any source code, I cant even code, I'm using base game Half life (Steam), I'm not sure about the other person, but I definitely haven't done anything weird, since the creator of the mod (the person I send the files to) doesn't give people things that they don't need (like access to the maps or wad since it isn't needed at all for model work), so the only source of the issue is the qc file (or smd if that's possible), if you need, download the Rarweded file on top that was for the303

p.s. Thank you both of you for helping me out here, I cant thank you enough

p.p.s also thank you the303 for making the303.org,it is literally the only website I know that goes in-depth into goldsource MDL qc files, I cant thank you enough.
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-16 03:07:15 UTC Post #341250
Okay, I figured it out:
Turns out even though you had the skin formatting correct, there needs to be a space between the bracket and " for the BMP filename lines. I fixed it so it looks like this:
$texturegroup "skinfamilies"
{ "Base_M_D.bmp" } 
{ "head.bmp" }
{ "head_bar.bmp" }
{ "head_sci.bmp" }
{ "head_sci2.bmp" }
{ "Base_M_D2.bmp" }
{ "Base_M_05_D.bmp" }
{ "Base_M_07_D.bmp" }
{ "Base_M_16_D.bmp" }

Another issue that came up was that when you have skins of differing dimensions you will have UV conflicts, therefore this is why you should choose to probably resize the main original skins to match 256X256 instead of its current 512X512.

I also did another decompile and merged the QC and whatnot and cleaned it up a bit. So to compile, drop the contents of this rar into your "everythingforcompiling" folder, select "barneyx.qc and compile. There is already a compiled model in "Compiled 0.56" you can look at which i did (albiet with the wierd dimension issue).


Lastly, is there any particular reason why you are using a 2012 XASH compiler? I'm currently using the latest 2018 svenSDK compiler.
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-17 00:01:13 UTC Post #341257
the only reason I was using it was because when I was first learning this, the person who was teaching me this a year ago sent me this in a folder that was called The Ultimate HL2 Model porting kit (I wanted to learn how to port hl2 models in hl1) so that's the reason why, is there any reason (other than the chrome setting you listed in the qc commands area of your website) oh and Thanks very much, I cant thank you enough (:D)

(extra thing about the Ultimate HL2 Model Porting Kit, I updated the tutorial he included which wasn't that great, not bad but not great, for a tutorial on how to port static source engine models into HL1)
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