Thanks for the help, I ran into some more problems along the way:
1. How do I access Hammer through Source SDK? Would you recommend something like Sledge or J.A.C.K. over Hammer for Goldsrc? If so where can I download them?
2. I decompiled the Civilian model from Tfc using JHLMV and imported it into Blender with an addon called "Blender Source Tools" that gave Blender support for Goldsrc, Source, & Source 2 games to test if I could then edit him, because I was then going to insert the older versions of the Tfc mercs to then edit them with blender to then use as new classes, how would I use blender to edit them?
3. I would like to add my own models via Blender & export them to my Tfc mod. That same Blender addon also gave engine support for exporting Source & Source 2 Models, but for Goldsrc ones you have to do it manually. I created a .smd model file with the help of blender & created the .qc script file together in the same folder. I tried compiling the .smd & .qc file with JHLMV but it wouldn't make it into an .mdl file like I was hoping. Was I scripting the .qc wrong? Another problem could have been me incorrectly structuring the files & folders directory, do I have to set up my folders like this to do it?:
| |-- mrcube/
| | |-- cube.smd
| | |-- cube_texture.vmt
| | |-- cube.qc
| | |-- cube.mdl (Compiled model)
| |-- models/
| |-- mrcube/
| |-- cube_texture.vtf
- <other_folders_and_files> |
-Or am I doing something else wrong?
4. Regarding Metamod, how exactly do I install it? Do I need to install any other programs along with it to help me mod Tfc? I am also against the idea of using or requesting other peoples plugins since I would like it to be my mod entirely. For the coding aspect, I just have to learn C++ to operate the modkits, or do I need to learn another programming language?