Issue with modding particular sequences Created 10 months ago2024-02-03 20:16:55 UTC by Rhodey Rhodey

Created 10 months ago2024-02-03 20:16:55 UTC by Rhodey Rhodey

Posted 10 months ago2024-02-03 20:16:55 UTC Post #348539
So I've run into a particular issue while modding voicelines. There's 2 particular sequences where replacing the voiceline, even while following the proper software requirements for them (22k Hz, .WAV, Mono, 8-bit PCM). It's the scientist on the catwalk after "Unforeseen Consequences" (c1a0_sci_stayback, c1a0_sci_catscream), and the two scientists at the beginning of "Blast Pit" (c1a4_sci_rocket, c1a4_sci_tent). Instead of playing the .WAV I assigned them, nothing plays at all; instead, their model just moves while being completely silent.

I haven't had any issues with other lines. However, despite what I have tried, it seems like these sequences are irreplaceable via normal methods. Any solutions? Thanks.
Posted 10 months ago2024-02-03 20:29:32 UTC Post #348540
If I recall correctly, voicelines should be up to 11 kHz, mono, unsigned 8-bit PCM, so that the engine can perform crude lip sync.
Other sounds (ambience, gunshots etc.) can be up to 22 kHz, mono, unsigned 16-bit PCM.

Oh by the way, for future reference, technical questions go here:
The "Maps and Mods" category is more for showing off map/mod projects... not that it has been enforced much lately x3
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 10 months ago2024-02-03 20:40:49 UTC Post #348541
No, I've done all of the voicelines at 22 kHz, and they lip sync fine. It's just those two scripted sequences where I'm running into trouble.
Posted 10 months ago2024-02-04 15:52:54 UTC Post #348547
That's quite odd. I don't suppose there are any cue points or anything in there, GoldSRC tends to be very picky about those.
This will need some testing in an isolated map t.b.h.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
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