Looping rumble Created 19 years ago2004-07-31 09:24:47 UTC by Zebadee Zebadee

Created 19 years ago2004-07-31 09:24:47 UTC by Zebadee Zebadee

Posted 19 years ago2004-07-31 09:24:47 UTC Post #47069
I am making a moving train and i want to add some effect with env_shake and i set it all up and give it like 9999 Duration as i thought that would keep it rumbling throughout the round but instead it lasts for like 10 seconds and dies out... Please help! :
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-31 09:29:59 UTC Post #47070
Use a multimanager better... I mean, I think that the shake lasts for that time max so use a multimanager to trigger it over and over again by trigering the shake and the multimanager itself... Better, use an env_laser to hit a button every 10 seconds. That button would activate the shake :). Solved :D.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-31 09:32:14 UTC Post #47071
Multi_manager, trigger the env_shake multiple times after each other...

Or create a 'loop', e.g. a multi_manager that triggers the env_shake and triggers itself (the Multithreaded flag must be set to allow looping).

Or, if you want it to be stoppable, let the multi_manager trigger the env_shake and a func_button. This func_button triggers the multi_manager again. So, it's a loop, but this one can be interrupted by changing the target of the button using a trigger_changetarget.
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