no .p0 file Created 20 years ago2004-08-16 10:42:37 UTC by theGhost theGhost

Created 20 years ago2004-08-16 10:42:37 UTC by theGhost theGhost

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-16 10:42:37 UTC Post #51334
I've setup Hammer using the Setup Guide tutorial. Made my first cube while reading in the beginning. But it doesn't work everytime. Sometimes when I try to run it it gives the error: can't find the map_name.p0 file, and Token to large on line 4. Alt-p doesn't show any errors though.

I've been trying out different setups (for mods etc) but the problem keeps poppin up.

Can anyone tell what to do or where to look?? thnx :confused:
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-16 11:10:06 UTC Post #51336
Token too large
"Token too large"
This can refer to several different errors:
The "too many wads" as mentioned above. 8 wads in WC/Hammer is a good limit, more may cause this error among others. If you are using more than 8 wads you can use Wally to combine the extra wads into one custom wad.

Too long a path/name for the map or compiling tools. Only a limited amount of memory is set aside for the path/names. Solution is to move the compiling tools or map into a shallow folder.

Having a space in a path/name. Examples: frequently Program Files is part of the path name. Compiling tools do not like the space between "program" and "files". Solutions are to either use the MSDOS pathname, or to move the offending files from under the spaced folder, or put quotes " " around the whole path name in WC/Hammer so that windows uses it right. If your map has the space in its name (eg. Bob map), remove the space and change it to (Bobmap).
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-16 15:15:17 UTC Post #51392
Get ZHLT too, to replace the ancient Hammer-included compile tools.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 04:33:06 UTC Post #51764
thnx, finally got some mapping done now :)
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