Full_city was originally for half Life, which explains the vast open areas. better for deathmatch really. anyway an update, and a spine shilling one at that:
I just added the one area of the map that WILL, and I repeat WILL make you jump. if you aren't scared by this then you are a freak of nature. ou are teleported into a hall of flowing red fluid (not blood, just red for a freaky effect) Outside the hall is a junkload of icthyousaurs, there are no lights so you cannot see them if the jump out at you into the hall(which they do!). One jumped at me an I almost had a heart attack!And running straight won't help you either, the hall is curved so you must use your flashlight and it stinks to be you when you shine your flashlight around the corner and an icthyousaur is RIGHT at the edge of the wall charging you (another thing that nearly gave me a heart attack). now if thats not enough to get you really anxious to see this map, I don't know what is. PS, horror map is almost done.