Access things through walls Created 19 years ago2004-11-05 01:05:48 UTC by Flakter Flakter

Created 19 years ago2004-11-05 01:05:48 UTC by Flakter Flakter

Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 01:05:48 UTC Post #71591
I don't know why but on my map I am creating I can use the door open buttons through the wall and i can alos pick up the weapon from the cabnet without opening it? Is there a special property i need to set?
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 01:15:12 UTC Post #71593
No... you need to make your walls thicker. Entities occupy 32 units of space. That's why, in multiplayer, it's more advantageous for you to run around to the other side of a health charger to "use" it through the wall... when your opponents hear the charging sound, and they come running, you're not where they expect you. But it also means you can access buttons and triggers through brushes.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 06:12:42 UTC Post #71651
Yes, it's a classic tactic in maps like cs_militia to turn the lights on/off through teh wall and then rush in.

A simle method is to put the button or charger on a wall that has nothing behind it.
Or liek Brad said, make the walls thicker.

As for the gun being picked up, make teh cabinet thicker, or use a trigger/game_playerequip method to give weapons in cabinets.

See for details (right near the bottom)
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