CZ + HAMMER 4.0 + SETUP = ?? Created 19 years ago2004-12-06 19:00:06 UTC by JamesD JamesD

Created 19 years ago2004-12-06 19:00:06 UTC by JamesD JamesD

Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 19:00:06 UTC Post #76714
Ok, I'd like to make a map for CZ, but i have not made a map since the 1.5 days. Now when i got back into it, there is so much more to it.

Can i make maps for CZ using 4.0 or do i need 3.4 still?
I have been playing with the Hammer 4.0 configs and i cant get them 2 work for CZ, so i tried in 3.4, and no go.

Does anyone know of a link to a walk thu to set up CZ for 3.4? I much rather use 4.0 if i can. Anyhelp would be great. Thanks guys
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 19:03:32 UTC Post #76716
Oh and is zoner still the compile stuff to use? or can i use the ones that came with the SDK, or are those only good for HL2? and what happened to the CSG in hammer 4.0? Im so confused!!! :( if anyone gets me set up for mapping for CZ, i love you forever!
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 19:17:17 UTC Post #76719
CZ is simple to map for. i'm sure you can take any BSP and throw it into the cz directory and it'll play. CZ was released WEHEY before half life 2, so it still uses 3.5. its exactly like mapping for counterstrike, except you set things up for the CZ directory.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 20:02:06 UTC Post #76728
So it cant be done in 4.0?
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 20:33:08 UTC Post #76730
Ok i worked it all out in 3.4, and then i made a test map, then when i goto compile and run, i get a error "Could not find filesystem dll to load"

any idea what setting would be wrong?

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