Falling with out damage Created 21 years ago2003-12-13 19:47:22 UTC by moo22 moo22

Created 21 years ago2003-12-13 19:47:22 UTC by moo22 moo22

Posted 21 years ago2003-12-13 19:47:22 UTC Post #7612
im making a map and there is a long hall if you were to step into the hall you would fall and get damaged how would i make it so that it would give you any damage?
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-13 20:49:42 UTC Post #7617
put water at the bottom possibly or lower grave at that point so the player comes to ground softly although both of these may not be right for your map so I don't know
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-13 21:06:46 UTC Post #7619
moo, can you type with sentences. It sounds like you want to get hurt when you fall. Don't put a big water place, use the texture Invisible and make it water, then put just a little puddle where you fall into. When you hit it, you will not be hurt and you won't see a bunch of water in the middle of your hall.
Monkey!  Why change your icon?
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-13 22:59:32 UTC Post #7637
thank you. That was very helpful. <(^.^)>
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-14 00:14:09 UTC Post #7640
Was it me who helped? Im new and would be very happy if I actually helped someone. :lol:
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-14 04:31:52 UTC Post #7663
yes it was. look at me a can make sentences to! two for one!!
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-14 08:33:04 UTC Post #7702
yep, water's the answer, just a 2 unit thick brush does the trick,

try turning it into a func_wall, and setting the render mode to texture to make it invisible ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-14 13:12:58 UTC Post #7748
Hmmm I haven't changed my icon...I think u are confusing me with the 7th monkey

Massive coincidence that we have the same names....I didn't copy his name and I've had this name for years ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-14 13:31:24 UTC Post #7756
I didn't copy his either - I was here first ;)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-14 16:40:55 UTC Post #7775
ok, sry.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-14 17:27:41 UTC Post #7780
for the record I also had someone who copied the name off me and called himself the_1st_monkey
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-16 09:19:11 UTC Post #7956
But the water makes the player's view 'bob'
which makes the thing seem real, as if you're crouched after you fell...
or is that just in my head...
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-17 19:01:27 UTC Post #8136
You've been drinking to much again kol.

nonono, its not in your head. Your right.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-18 17:32:52 UTC Post #8258
Oh, yea... that's just my head 'bobbing' side to side.. :P
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-18 18:18:23 UTC Post #8259
It's seventh-monkey who has the monkey av. Also, just an odd fact. In firearms, there are a few textures with monkeys on, but it calls them menkeys for some reason. EG: (texture names) menkey1, menkey2. Freaky, huh?
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-19 15:52:13 UTC Post #8391
Um... yes :
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