RAD failing/not running Created 19 years ago2005-01-24 09:42:47 UTC by Elemmire Elemmire

Created 19 years ago2005-01-24 09:42:47 UTC by Elemmire Elemmire

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-24 09:42:47 UTC Post #85444

I have a few queries about the compile process used to create the bsp files. Firstly to let you know what I'm trying to do, I have an old Quake map that I'm trying to move over to Half-Life. The map is quite complex with a high polygon count and some very detailed work so I'm reluctant to start from scratch if I can avoid it.

I started to move the map across by decompiling the Quake BSP to a MAP file. I loaded the MAP file into hammer and reapplied a single grey texture across the world (just for debugging the map).

At the moment my problem is that CSG, BSP and VIS compile tools all seem to run correctly according to the log files however there is no record of RAD running. Meanwhile my computer is going into over-drive towards the end of the compile process so there is obviously issues!! I use Zoner's tools v. 252-17.

My main questions are:

1. What is the (rough/estimated) max number of polygons that the compile tools can handle - with the aim of getting efficient performance out of Hammer?

2. What is the most common reason for RAD not running or failing?

3. What is the effect of the RAD tool on the bsp file? I have used a bsp viewer to look at the bsp file produced from the combined efforts of CSG/BSP/VIS. Most of the map's polygons are not present - would this simply be the result of RAD failing or not running, or is it that HL's tools cannot render/tolerate the old Quake information.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated,
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-24 09:56:15 UTC Post #85449
Right, the RAD creates the lighting and shadows mainly...
So thats that..

The Main problem for it not working for me is that i have un-ticked it if i am trying to see if a map works well enough without complex lighting (it goes fullbright)

So when you press F9, make sure that RAD is ticked...

Although since its running so much RAM at the end i think it is working... Maps can compile for full days so just end any other programs (inksaver is a common bugger for me)

And make sure nobody on a network is trying to print then fetch a cup of cofee and go watch TV
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-24 09:58:36 UTC Post #85450
1_if I take a look on the stats report on the log file of my last compilation, I can see :

"faces 17311/65535 (26%)"

from a quite ambitious CS 1.6 map project, 80% done ...


then I think before polygons limits, you might so much other problems to face that that polygon limits mightn't be a problem ever for you ...

2_personnaly, I never had troubles with the RAD compilators, but I think the main reason that the rad couldn't work, is a wrong bsp file (with weird faces), or/and bad entities like lights with wrong settings etc ...

3_the rad process the lightning of your map : it makes shadows, bright or dark areas etc ... if you do a compilation without rad, you will have a map with textures exactly as they look in Hammer.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-24 12:07:31 UTC Post #85464

Firstly, thanks so much for the quick responses earlier.

Secondly, huge apologies for this, I made a bad assumption in my first post. The log file stated that hlvis had completed correctly. However the fan on my laptop has been breaking out in a sweat to try and compile the map. It turns out Hammer was falling into the 'non-responsive'state. I checked the task manager's process tab and found that hlvis was occupying 99% of the CPU. So sorry about that I got the origin of the problem wrong.

Anyway, CSG and BSP appear to run fine, I've checked this by de-selecting VIS and RAD in the compile window. However a lot of the world still isn't being rendered i.e. the floors and walls are missing, Gordan is hanging in empty space when I load the map into a BSP viewer.

I assume this is the reason that VIS is having so much trouble completing - it must be detecting one great big leaky map.

My main issue now is how to get the solids rendered at runtime or at least included in the BSP file. Again I'm not sure if this is a side-effect of the map originally being a Quake relic.

I've uploaded the RMF and BSP at:

Thanks again
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-24 17:55:46 UTC Post #85528
If it was a Quake map, I'm sure Zoner's and Half-Life can handle it.

Alt+P for Check for Problems?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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