Moving thing Created 21 years ago2003-12-20 19:17:48 UTC by BrattyLord BrattyLord

Created 21 years ago2003-12-20 19:17:48 UTC by BrattyLord BrattyLord

Posted 21 years ago2003-12-20 19:17:48 UTC Post #8626
I need to make something (Probably tracktrain) that moves.  I need to shoot something and then have something very big move, a pillar.  the something to shoot is a normal block with no entity tied into it at all.  Please help and be specific because I am kinda new.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-20 19:45:46 UTC Post #8643
if its "a normal block with no entity tied into it" then shooting it wont trigger anything.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-20 20:06:27 UTC Post #8648
well, duhh!

What i really mean is how do you make it do that.

What entity, if any can you use to do that. What should I assign the pillar to be also. I need help soon because I only have like an hour to complete this prodject. Please help. :(
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-20 20:51:18 UTC Post #8655
Hello, help!!!
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-20 22:56:07 UTC Post #8661
make a button and give it health. then when u shoot it it loses helth like a monster, when it "dies" it is pressed. the moving object only needs 2 b a train unless its like the flatbeds in "on a rail" where u control the speeds, which need quite a bit of setup. a train is simpler, so if u dont know how check the tut.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-21 08:37:47 UTC Post #8710
You can use button_target ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-21 18:47:05 UTC Post #8782
ha! i was using this in my map that i just completed today.

first, you make your pillar. if you want it to scoot over, tie it to a "func_door". if you want it to fall over, use a "func_door_rotating" and make the origin at the very bottom where it will do it's pivoting, then check the flag "y-axis" (i think) in it's properties. whichever, you have to give it a name uner the Name property.

then make your block. if you want it to drop/move the pillar when blown up (like if the block was holding a tipped over pillar) then use a "func_breakable" and set it's Target as the name of your pillar, and set it's Strength to however much "hp" you want it to have. if you want a block that just stays there but moves the pillar when shot, use "button_target". if you use this, u have to tell the door to stay open by setting some property of the door to -1. just look, you can't miss it. but once again, you need to set the button's target to the name of your pillar.
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