OpFor FGD rewriting Created 21 years ago2003-12-21 12:14:20 UTC by Vassy Vassy

Created 21 years ago2003-12-21 12:14:20 UTC by Vassy Vassy

Posted 21 years ago2003-12-21 12:14:20 UTC Post #8732
Can anyone help me? I've edited the fgrunt model to have some extra heads and weapons, I edited the fgd and the heads work fine (unless I use a new weapon), but I don't know what number to have before the weapons in the fgd. I made a guess at one point and it turned out horribly wrong, with different heads and weapons. I'm putting up the edited model and fgd in the vault (I deleted my old guess). If anyone is willing to rewrite the fgd for me, I would be very grateful.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-21 16:54:53 UTC Post #8753
Ah crap! The heads went a bit haywire. So I'm sticking with the normal opfor fgrunt for now :(
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-21 17:08:43 UTC Post #8757
um, the fgd doesn't do anything other than define how hammer interacts with the map you are creating.. :confused:
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-21 17:10:05 UTC Post #8758
Oh well. So, how could I sort it out?
Or do I have to completely remake opfor with the hl source code to do this?
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-21 18:10:37 UTC Post #8771
I think that's the only option, :|

Apart from monster generics of course
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-21 20:20:25 UTC Post #8797
source code? yikes, u said we was only makin a map pak 2!
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-22 06:32:26 UTC Post #8847
Erm... You CAN'T GET the opfor source legaly...
And there's no way you'll code opfor from the hl sdk..
this is where dark truths failed

^ just something i thought i'd mention
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-22 18:42:55 UTC Post #8941
Lol. I was hoping to include new models, since I heard someone on the spirit forums was making an opfor map pack with new models...
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-26 08:47:56 UTC Post #9387
you cna mak new modles but you cnat edit them i think??
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