Steam CS 1.6 problem Created 19 years ago2005-02-11 20:37:29 UTC by UncleBiskit UncleBiskit

Created 19 years ago2005-02-11 20:37:29 UTC by UncleBiskit UncleBiskit

Posted 19 years ago2005-02-11 20:37:29 UTC Post #89777
Hi there.

Im trying to make a map for CS 1.6. I have searched and looked through, as far as I know, all the tutorials and forum post for an answer. If I missed it and this is a repeat, Im sorry for the repost.

I have the lastest FGD, Halflife-cs-expert.fgd, and Ive tried it on both Hammer 3.4 and 3.5. Im also using ZHLT 3.0 final.

Im trying to do a few simple things. First one is this tutorial - Equipping weapons in CS -

Heres what I have -- 1 big giant cube hallowed out to make a room.

--I have one light (default settings) in the dead center.
--I have 5 CT spawns, 5 T spawns directly across from eachother on opposite sides on eachother.
--I have 2 func_buyzones(CT/T) high up out of reach.
--I have one armoury_entity (item=mp5, count=1) to the side of the map.
--I have 1 multi_manager, 1 player_weaponstrip, and 1 game_playerequip setup exactly like the tutorial says.

Here is my problem. First round everything seems to be ok. Second round the MP5 from the armoury_entity is not stripped from whoever has it. Third round the strip works, but the player that gets stripped of the MP5 cannot pick it again, unless someone picks it up then throws it down. Each round it happens to someone, almost like its cycling through the spawn points one by one. Some times the equip wont even work, or like its equipping first then the strip happens and it looks like nothing was even equipped.

I tried different things. I took out the strip but left the equip in. Now the armoury_entity (MP5) spawns 2 and not 1. I tried with just the armoury_entity, no strip, equip or mm, and it still spawns 2, some times 3. I have no clue whats going on.

If anyone could help me it would be most appreciated, thank you in advance.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-12 18:41:38 UTC Post #89953
Come on, where are all the leet mappers that know all of this stuff?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-12 18:42:12 UTC Post #89954
Prolly eating waffles huh?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-12 18:53:19 UTC Post #89955
Don't bump your threads. If no one answers, that means no one knows.
Now, your problem is fucking strange, so you probably fucked up somewhere.
Try making loads of whatever game_ entity you want, who knows, it might even work.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 13:31:34 UTC Post #90139
I'd guess it's a code bug.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 14:56:11 UTC Post #90163
I have an idea: Like Seventh said, it's probably a code bug, so try a work around. I've tried this before, and it works. Instead of an armoury_entity, use a cycler for the MP5's model, a game_player_equip to equip a MP5, and a button that targets the game_player_equip with the Touch Activates flag (don't know if it works, though) and the health set to 0 (or -1, but I like to use 0). Also, you might want to set the Use Only flag for the game_player_equip. I think it's supposed to help stop crashing the game, but I'm not sure. It still works either way, but I just like using the Use Only flag.

gives fingers a rest
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