Grass??!! Created 19 years ago2005-12-19 05:46:30 UTC by Raigon Raigon

Created 19 years ago2005-12-19 05:46:30 UTC by Raigon Raigon

Posted 19 years ago2005-12-19 05:46:30 UTC Post #153130
Okay i would like to know the best way to create grass and that kind of stuff.

Plz anyone help!
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-19 06:19:13 UTC Post #153136
Do you mean flat textured grass or tall shrubs and grass that sticks out?

grass that sticks out are sprites (

but you could make a very thin box and texture it with a blue/grass texture. make two boxes at angles of each other so from above they would look like a + shape. more detail on things like that here>

try searching the tutorials hmmm? use the 'plate' method described
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-19 09:14:15 UTC Post #153148
The best is use a good grass texture, and use Terrain Generator from Nem's Tools.

Beware of high r_speeds.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-19 10:43:55 UTC Post #153152
The best is just to stick to simple terrain - triangle terrain methods are hard to keep under control, and so much detail isn't expected from HL maps anyway.

As for grass sticking out, sprites are a good one, or eventually a plate-method bush (though using models for them is a much better method).
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-19 10:53:04 UTC Post #153154
Yeah, I dont suggest using sprites for grass (sprites are best used for symmetrical things, like spheres. ex: env_glow). If you walk on top of them, and look down.. you get a pathetic view of the grass (try it out for yourself if you dont know what I mean) Models are definately nice (check out de_airstrip for a good example of model plants. I agree with Cap'n, the triangle method gets messy after a while. Also, most HL maps dont go overboard with the terrain, it is just unnatural to have extremely uneven terrain, you can make a subtle difference, but the product isnt worth the r_speeds it can produce.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-19 13:47:08 UTC Post #153184
Dorian there is a way to lock a sprite on it's axis. Try using env_lazer and for the sprite use that grass sprite. ;) As for trees try out fishy's models. They're great but you have to have steam for them to look good! :)

If you have opposing force then it has a great grass texture called...hmmmm.....mmm...arghh just search for 'boot'.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-20 07:33:51 UTC Post #153368
Okay thank you.. i knew that way to do that i thought you could use the decals tool or something and just get them standing up... Those big plants in the Terrorist spawn point in aztec where can i get them?
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-21 05:44:11 UTC Post #153675
I think those are models?
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-21 22:26:51 UTC Post #153813
best method is the triangle method, once you get use to the vertex-manipulation tool, it's a sinch! Experiment :)
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