Level change:Oneway (frozen in the air) Created 18 years ago2006-07-30 01:45:34 UTC by GreenBean GreenBean

Created 18 years ago2006-07-30 01:45:34 UTC by GreenBean GreenBean

Posted 18 years ago2006-07-30 01:45:34 UTC Post #192003
I made a map that when a camera scene ends it loads the next level.
The player is placed ( IN )the map but is frozen at the start point.
The level has A LM and trigger Level change in it, (NO) brushes are around to get stuck in but never the less my player still is frozen and is not coming to rest the brush below, i placed the LM and
info_ player_ start in the same location as before.
Both Landmarks and Trigger_ level_ change share the same name as the last map. ???CAN ANYONE HELP ME???
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-30 08:17:21 UTC Post #192019
Elon Yariv:
The whole idea of this exact location of both landmarks thingy is that the area in the new level must be at list in the same size of the last area in the last level where the player was transported from. The landmark culculates the distence between it and the player then places the player in the same distence from the landmark in the other level, regardless if there is a brush in there.

So place the landmark at the same distence from the walls like the other.
Example: Landmark(level 1)- 8 units from the floor, 120 from the ceiling, 32 from the walls.
The other landmark mustn't be any closer to the brushes around it then the other is. The landmark's cordinates in hammer doesn't mean a thing.

Hope this explains the placement of landmarks a bit. :)

By the way: don't say you were stuck in the air, this way I thought you were just floating in the middle of your map. In the void/wall means you are outside your map.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-30 10:23:01 UTC Post #192025
Also make sure to teleport the player to the end of the map, or he'll probaby end up stuck anyway.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-30 13:16:54 UTC Post #192034
Elon and Solokiller thanks for the help, i got it to work :)
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