100+ HP in CS 1.6! Created 18 years ago2006-08-14 13:43:53 UTC by sskillz sskillz

Created 18 years ago2006-08-14 13:43:53 UTC by sskillz sskillz

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-14 13:43:53 UTC Post #193410
As the subject says I cant find out how to give a player after triggering
something more than 100 HP, I know its possibe I've seen it in some maps
that people trigger something by trigger_once or trigger_multiple, and then
get 10,000 HP! , I tried with trigger_hurt and game_player_hurt and it can
only give till 100HP (I tried -100,-1000, and more , just cant give more then 100)
Also I would like to know how I do so the trigger_hurt which giving HP all over
the map , wont make sound like hurting, and just silently giving you HP.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-14 15:17:59 UTC Post #193415
Also I would like to know how a mortar/canon can be done in cs!
Maybe its not a mortar but i've seen it , Like in nipper maps, there was a robat that when you press E, you can move it very slowly and when you fire, you dont see a missle but you see the explosion!
Also in another map , I think its name was buttlefield rush, there was a canon
that you press and it auto shoots a place in the map!

Last thing, Is it possible to lower or remove the sound of a env_explosion?
since in my map its getting annoying :| so high volume!

So its 4 things I need to know :| (More then 100HP, Soundless hearing, Cannons/Mortars and Soundless/lower sound explosions)
all can be done in cS! so HELP :x

10x ahead S.SkillZ!
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-14 15:51:22 UTC Post #193417
make a func_door triggered by a triggle_multiple do -9999 dmg on crush and hit the player
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-14 15:59:48 UTC Post #193418
sounds good :|
its also good for the silent HP gaining since I can make no sound with door!
10x a lot , steel have the morter and lower sound explostion problams :|
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-14 16:07:47 UTC Post #193419
well im making a func train that will move a platform above the player
and set negative damage on cursh!
it just more cotrolable and has no angle when moveing ,.
a door will push the player or seomthing : and the train can come from top
easly :|
hmm for the silent HP, im not sure how to do it : so it will be like a room
that if you there you refill slowly your hP silently!
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-14 16:09:48 UTC Post #193421
@ *Mario: A trigger_hurt with negative dmg does the exact same this: giving huge amounts of HP to the player. But the HUD is unable to show it, since its not programmed to go above 100.

@ sskillz: Read up on func_tankmortars. Im sure we a tutorial on that one. Not sure though.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-14 16:26:37 UTC Post #193423
My func train works :) now just to speed it up ^_^ but it does noise when it hits, so it cant be used as silent healer :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-14 16:30:49 UTC Post #193425
tankmortars are flashbangs no ? like the mortar field..
And the trigger 100%! can give more then 100 hp :
I tried it, I made a trigger hurt pool, left me with 35HP
went the buttons which trigger a trigger hurt brush on, and it gave me from
35HP to 100HP, went back to the pool and died after reached to 0 HP!.
so it can go up from 100.. unlike the func train I made , that every time it crush me, my HP goes crazy from 135 to 32 and so on (random numbers) that how i know its working and the trigger hurt (The random number thing..)
10x anywayt, i still need 3 more answer :|
BTW the hud in cs can show up to 255 HP
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-14 17:24:13 UTC Post #193431
Hmm wait. I made a mistake. Trigger_hurt is the way to do it. A func_door or a func_trains is probably the only way to give huge amount of health to a player.

If you want no sound, just choose "no sound" from the move and stop sound options of its properties.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-14 17:27:04 UTC Post #193432
I just noticed that func_door can move like an elivator!
and its lot better , because evlitors get stuck and doors not! :) Good idea :|
But it makes sound when it hurts you, i know i can disable the move sound
not the crush sound :(
so I can make the heal room with it :(

sorry about the typos
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-14 18:15:56 UTC Post #193434
As you said and a prefab ensured me , Im preaty sure a mortarcanon can be done with a func_tankmortar :) , Ill try it now :|
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-14 18:25:33 UTC Post #193435
Im preaty sure a mortarcanon can be done with a func_tankmortar
Thats what i said. :)

Also, don't double post. Use the Edit button on your last post.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-14 19:43:47 UTC Post #193440
10x, Ok , ill edit if I can :|
Ok done the mortar :), but how can I make a mortar , that will arch somewhere?
I mean it will looked like it aim to the sky, and it will shoot over the hill, and not in a stright line like a pistol or a gun :/ , arch like a katapoolka / balistra / w/e :)
Also how can I make a computer control cannon that If i press a button it will shoot somewhere and cannot be aimed? and I also would like to know if its possible to make it move first, like a cannon that is auto aiming at something , moveing to his target and then automaticlly shooting, all that after pressing a button (and not me controlling it)
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-07 07:23:33 UTC Post #208873
What about 100+ hp in svencoop? I would like to make a svencoop map in which players have 500hp and 500ap. I know how to make it 500ap now but I am still woundering how could I make it 500hp. :/
I think it could be done by adding a special script in the .cfg. I wish somebody can help me. Thank you!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-07 07:59:41 UTC Post #208874
just close a door on them doing -400 damage, as said above.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-07 16:51:35 UTC Post #208916
I don't think you use enough emoticons :| . Try putting one after every sentence :| . Or maybe even :| put them :| in between sen :| tences and :| wor :| ds.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-07 17:10:50 UTC Post #208917

God, this tread lags my browser! :P
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-07 17:51:58 UTC Post #208918

Just helping out, with yet more emoticons. :)

Muzz: What browser are you using? It's fine in mine. :
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-07 17:56:16 UTC Post #208919
Lol, i was joking.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-07 17:58:33 UTC Post #208920
Oh... Nevermind then. :glad: :
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