Single Player Story Idea Created 18 years ago2006-08-30 10:13:34 UTC by Caboose Caboose

Created 18 years ago2006-08-30 10:13:34 UTC by Caboose Caboose

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-30 10:13:34 UTC Post #195109
So, I just had an idea for the storyline of a single-player mod. Right now it's just an idea, but I wanted to know what you guys thought of it, or how it could be made better.

Note: This mod would take place 1 year after HL1, as if HL2 never happened. Combine who?

What I have so far:

Setting: New Mexico, 3 years before HL1

Meet Dr. Marvin Weiss, former member of the first Black Mesa science team to discover the existence of Zen. While him and his colleagues were not able to pinpoint the exact location of the planet while he was involved, they were very aware of its existence and the lifeforms that called it home. Dr. Weiss, who saw this as a tremendous opportunity, wanted to find Zen and travel there immediately. He hoped to be able to utilize their alien technology to create weapons the likes of this world had never seen before. Him and his team members would be the most powerful men on Earth.

But they did not share his vision, and as soon as his true intentions were revealed, he was reported to the Administrator and fired from his position. All his files and records were destroyed. He might as well have never even set foot in the facility.

Dr. Weiss was enraged, but not to be deterred from his vision of power, he created his own scientific research lab to conduct his experiments and continue his work. But without any of the documentation or equipment that he had in Black Mesa, it was impossible. Dr. Weiss abandoned the lab.

But then, three years later...

The Doctor, who had "people" in Black Mesa, learned of a tremendous disturbance in which the gates of Zen were finally opened letting all the other-wordly creatures in. Elated, he immediately began to restore his abandoned labaratory and start his work again. This time, he would not be stopped. He would find those scientists who had reported him years ago, and make them work for him. And, there was another...Someone who had travelled through Zen himself, and even killed the alien leader. Yes, he would be needed too, if the doctor truly wanted to get a full understanding of Zen...

ENTER: Gordon Freeman.

It's been a year since the events at Black Mesa, and Gordon is just starting to get on with his life. On this particular morning, he wakes up at the usual time, and cooks his usual breakfast. He leaves at the usual time and gets stuck in the usual morning traffic. He parks his car and begins to walk toward the University. It was far from here, and he had to cut through several dodgy alleyways to get there. As he is walking, he hears a footstep behind him, and then, boom, he is knocked unconscious. His vision fading, the last thing he sees is a group of men wearing all back carrying him towards a van at the end of the alley.

Gordon awakes several hours later to find himself on some sort of walkway, jutting out of a cliff high above a beach. After regaining his composure, he looks around and sees a small building ahead. He stumbles towards it, and inside finds his old HEV suit and a crowbar sitting on a table. Confused, he looks around and sees a security camera staring at him from the ceiling. No sooner than that does a voice come out of the loudspeaker above him:

"Ahh, Mr. Freeman. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Sorry for the rough ride, but I had a feeling you would not have come willingly. But, onto more pressing matters--first off, I suggest you put on your suit. Something tells me your going to need it."

And, scene. So what do you think? Good? Bad?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-30 10:30:09 UTC Post #195110
I don't know what to think of it as an MOD story, since it's only an intro. Any ideas on what it's really going to be about? :confused:
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-30 10:32:58 UTC Post #195111
Well, obviously Gordon isn't going to just be ordered around by this Doctor, and at some point he'll break away, and have to fight his way out of the complex, and rescue all of his other fellow scientists as well.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-30 12:09:26 UTC Post #195118
Xen. it's spelled Xen
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-30 19:56:29 UTC Post #195139
What a n00b mistake!

And to think, I bought HL the day it came out... :
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-02 14:26:00 UTC Post #195420
I take it that this story in no way leads on to HL2? Will you have a reasonable explaination for that?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-03 06:33:03 UTC Post #195462
I like it a lot. Would this be made for source or hl engine?

Could you post the full plot?

How many chapters? Oh and gamelength roughly?


so many questions
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-03 07:16:14 UTC Post #195465
can you say HOLES?
gordon is in the black void of nothing, he cant wake up, he cant cook breakfast, and he certainly cant be kidnapped by a crazy scientist guy (unless gman is a scientist)
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-03 07:44:49 UTC Post #195466
And wouldn't the aliens/combine be invadeing? The leader gorden killed didn't controll all the xen creatures and the rift was never closed and just getting wider.
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