Diff sounds in textures, how? Created 17 years ago2007-09-20 16:23:38 UTC by =Ace= =Ace=

Created 17 years ago2007-09-20 16:23:38 UTC by =Ace= =Ace=

Posted 17 years ago2007-09-20 16:23:38 UTC Post #234636
How can different textures have different sounds to them when you walk on them? Some floor textures has a squeky sound, and some gravel textures sound like walking on gravel of course, but where can I find the properties for the sounds in a texture? I have made my own grass texture, but it sounds like walking on asphalt or something.....hehe. How can I make a change in the way a texture sounds?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-20 16:45:28 UTC Post #234639
There's some kind of materials sound configuration file.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-20 16:53:56 UTC Post #234641
Its the materials.txt file you want. Its in de pak0.pak file, under the sounds folder. You need a utility to open pak file first.
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-21 08:18:11 UTC Post #234692
Actruly does anyone know where, in the code all this information is. In some mods, like spirit, the textures all sound the same when you hit them with a crowbar, regardless of what you do in the materials.txt. So where is this information stored in the code?
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-21 12:54:10 UTC Post #234694
Look through pm_shared.c, you should find the materials-controlling part.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-21 17:09:36 UTC Post #234699
Thanks man
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-22 07:07:21 UTC Post #234714
:) Thanks guys!
I will certainly have a close look at that textfile embedded in pak0.pak!!
Perhaps it's even possible to add some more sounds to the ones already
in use?
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-22 14:12:34 UTC Post #234751
It seems that the Pak0.pak file is only present in my old halflife, I can't find it in my STEAM version of halflife. Since I play hl on STEAM, I suppose that's the version of hl I will have to do my changes to......?
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-22 14:21:46 UTC Post #234753
yes, you'll have to use GCFScape to open half-life.gcf and find it in there.

And about the sounds, it's not possible to add more without coding, but you can easily replace or modify the sounds in the same way you would replace any model.
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-22 16:02:26 UTC Post #234766
Thanks again!!
I am not familiar with the program GCFScape, but I will try to find it and
use it to find what I am looking for. This is not a matter of life or death, but I think it's fun to just fool around a bit with mapping, it's near as fun as playing the game itself.....
So once again, thanks for taking the time to help me!
Good to have a community like this one to help out :D
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-23 15:01:05 UTC Post #234848
I guess I'm a bit stupid......
I installed GCFScape, and it's a simple enough program to understand.
It opens the half-life.gcf file just like any browser, and lets me see the file I'm interested in, in my case the materials textfile. Problem is....I can add my texture to the kind of sound I want, but I CAN'T SAVE it!
The program even lets me export the file to any given location, where it can easily be edited. But then I can't import it again, hehe :
As I said earlier, it's no big deal. :cool:
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-24 04:50:24 UTC Post #234871
You're not stupid. And I don't get it, are you trying to add a file into a gcf?
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-24 14:09:02 UTC Post #234896
No, I am not trying to ADD a file, I am trying to edit a textfile already in there. The textfile I am trying to edit is Materials.txt, it's embedded in the half-life.gcf. The file lists a number of textures, and the sounds the player makes when moving on those textures......
If I move on a metal plate the sound is related to the metal, and if i move on concrete the sound changes accordingly. To make a new texture sound the way I want it to, I will have to edit the file and add a texture to the textures already there.....and the sound I want it to have!
My problem is that I can see the textures in the textfile but I can't edit the file because the program can't save my changes to the file. Hope I made my little problem more clear.... :)
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-26 03:53:32 UTC Post #235033
Lol, I know what a materials text is :) . Try exporting the file, making your changes than importing the file over the original or deleting the original.
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-26 05:53:59 UTC Post #235034
the edited file goes in the corresponding location in your steamapps/username/half-life folder
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-27 08:08:35 UTC Post #235103
oh thats right. yes.
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-27 15:28:54 UTC Post #235127
yepp, I did as you guys said.....
Now my texture sounds the way I want it to :P
When I start a server with my map however, the texture has got the
default sound to those joining my server. They don't have the changes to materials.txt that I made to my own texfile, so they can't hear the sounds I want the textures to have. The whole thing about this texture sounds are getting redicolous.......lol.
I guess I could put the materials.txt in my .res file so that it downloads with the map and soundfiles, but that doesn't feel like a good idea :biggrin:
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