Goldsource mapping for steam- How to fix Created 13 years ago2011-01-10 23:17:58 UTC by Notewell Notewell

Created 13 years ago2011-01-10 23:17:58 UTC by Notewell Notewell

Posted 13 years ago2011-01-10 23:17:58 UTC Post #288950
I just wanted to know if anyone else gets this error when trying to run HL out of hammer after a compile. And if not, how to fix it/how you set it up properly.
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Any ideas?
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-10 23:40:54 UTC Post #288951
oi it's been a long time since i had any errors like that in GoldSrc, but i'm guessing a configuration error. (did you just setup/configure hammer?) Try combing through these and see if you can figure it.

The other(easier imo) way is to use Muzz's compilator, which is much easier to set up imo.. =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-11 02:08:26 UTC Post #288958
-turn off sv_cheats
-reconfiguer your half-life directory (make a new one, with same files)
-save your map into a new folder (weird, but yes, works)

if all of the above fail, reinstall half-life

(your dll error is the result of an altered 'temporary' file, more than likely the result of a recent mod you've played.. you might ALSO be able to solve it.. by creating a new game in half-life (the executable you use for hammer editor) and saving the game somewhere within the real one after the map loads)

other than that.. my amateur opinion is.. your console is trying to run the cheats command before the map begins compiling.. or your actual dll is altered. Remedies listed above.
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-11 02:35:27 UTC Post #288960
Make sure that "Game Executable Directory" is set to a correct value.
If that doesn't work, set "Game executable" to "...\Half-Life\hlhammer.bat" and create a file in your Half-Life directory called "hlhammer.bat" and put this in it:
[quote]@title Starting Half-Life...
@cd "%~d0%~p0"
@set args=
@if not "%1"=="" (
set args=%args% %1
goto b
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-11 02:40:12 UTC Post #288961
Psilous brings up a good point: it appears your command parameters are possibly incorrect, at least, mine are different and they work fine:

+sv_cheats 1, developer 1

Even then, i don't think entering those commands wrongly would give you that "missing dll" error... Post your Game Configurations and Build Programs if you want, as i think the problem is more likely to be in there. I would also recommend using SUBST command to shorten you steam paths, making your filenames more manageable to troubleshoot. (if you haven't already)

Also too, as i think you already know, having hammer launch the game for you is generally not a good idea, as hammer 3.x is buggy and unreliable at as it is, and the less you let it do the better.. =)

Potato: sorry i ninja'd your post! ='(
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-11 03:42:56 UTC Post #288962
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-11 03:53:59 UTC Post #288964
Isn't that the error you get when the DLLs needed aren't within the folder they are supposed to be because in steam they are packed away in CGF files?
I remember getting this, and the way I solved it was by getting CGF-scape and extracting the necessary dlls to their "real" location
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-11 07:02:04 UTC Post #288965
I've set up my Hammer something like this:

Tools--->Options-->Build Programs--->Game executable: C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe (make it point to your steam.exe)

Then when you are about to compile the map, at the "Normal" compile-window under "Additional game parameters:" write: -applaunch 70 +developer 1

(You can add additional game parameters after the applaunch-part, in this case I've set dev mode to 1...)

Then press OK to compile and the game should start your map after compile. Although I think the Steam-client must already be running in background for it to work properly.

(applaunch 70 is Half-Life, applaunch 10 is CS 1.6, other applaunch-values can be found here: )
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-11 08:37:39 UTC Post #288967
Alright, I'll keep these in mind, thanks.
Some more info: I've set up the configurations exactly the same as I did for goldsource, but with the steam paths; nothing else is different. I'll check for DLLs and then try launching the game through steam in hammer.

The reason I don't use compilator for every compile is because I have it set up for final compiles, and I'm just too lazy to actually run it every time.
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-11 13:23:23 UTC Post #288972
The reason I don't use compilator for every compile is because I have it set up for final compiles, and I'm just too lazy to actually run it every time.
Compilator 3 supports profiles. You could create one profile for quick compiles and one of final compiles. All you need to do is switch between the two.

You can also start a compilation job without having to go back into the Compilator and click the Compile button, you can just stay in Hammer and use a keyboard combination to start the compilation (default combo: Ctrl+Shift+C).

Only problem: I have'nt released Compilator 3 yet...
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-11 14:37:12 UTC Post #288973
you have to be super cool like Huntey to get the pre-release version of Compilator 3.

Or you could just ask Muzzeh very nicely. (i refuse to call you mighty atom, damnit ;D)
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-11 18:12:36 UTC Post #288976
I got Compilator 3 not long ago. Didn't like it. Still prefer version 2.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-11 18:55:09 UTC Post #288981
I have version 4.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-11 19:45:23 UTC Post #288983
Seriously JeffMOD, use the compilator. It is so much more efficient and the improvements to lighting and such are so worth it. I will never compile with Hammer again.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-11 22:44:54 UTC Post #288986
Guys, guys, I do. It's just that I prefer to use it for final compiles, and just do the in-hammer compiler for simple ones. Sure, it's bad, it hogs resources, but it's right there, and I really don't need to wadinclude my stuff or do a full compile for my tests. Or export to map. Once the public release of 3 comes out, I'll probably use it for everything, but I can wait until it's out of beta.

Anyway, I tried a few different suggestions, and Killer-Duck's one worked. Thanks to everyone for the ideas.
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