creating a false sense of distance?!? Created 13 years ago2011-07-14 16:19:40 UTC by Priest Priest

Created 13 years ago2011-07-14 16:19:40 UTC by Priest Priest

Posted 13 years ago2011-07-14 16:19:40 UTC Post #296622
So i want to make a map where you fight between 2 modern pirate style ships in the middle of an ocean (i might be being a bit optimistic here lol) i want to create a false unreachable horizon incase you go in the water but cant get a remotely realistic sence of false distance anyone ever done anything similar or got any idea how i might do this?
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-14 16:46:55 UTC Post #296623
an enviorment fade entity should create a fog like effect, giving the sense that it is more extensive then it really is, you just can't see it ;)
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-14 17:31:02 UTC Post #296624
ok ill try that ive been using spirit and trying to just mask the horizon with fog but cant really work it out very easily hopefully if i can work out how to do this the next step is to implement it into a moving train level similar to an assault map i have in unreal tournament that i absolutely love called hispeed.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-14 19:53:09 UTC Post #296627
Oh hey if your using spirit then go ahead and use the env_fog entity instead!
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-19 05:55:23 UTC Post #296794
I hope you're still here, because I've got a perfect solution for you.

Use a sky that would blend well with your water texture. Cut your water apart into rectangles/trapezoids that surround a square in the middle (hope that makes sense). Make each rectangle more and more transparent, so what you end up with is water that gradually fades into full transparency off in the distance. Under the transparent water will be your sky, which should now blend seamlessly.

This still takes a bit of room to look right. Each rectangle should be at the very least 256 units wide. A difference of 50 in transparency per section should look about right.
Check out the CS 1.6 map de_plaka to see this technique in action. I also tried it in my map dm_blue_paradise, but de_plaka was a much better execution.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-19 08:22:11 UTC Post #296796
Soup you should totally make an example/tutorial for this. I remember seeing how you've blended water with sky in the past and it was perfect.. ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-19 17:23:17 UTC Post #296815
Hmm, interesting.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-19 19:42:44 UTC Post #296824
Ja ja super-neat idea btw, ala pirates of the caribbean? Can't wait to see screens! =)

Here are some other pirate ships you might check out for kicks/inspiration. I know Tetsu0 was pretty close to finishing his but i don't know if he uploaded it.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-02 18:16:46 UTC Post #296944
ok sounds good sorry i take so long to reply btw my nets down at the mo so i use mo mobile as a modem when i have credit i was thinking more sort of somalian pirates of the carribean lol but yeah thats the basic jist of it i think i understand what you mean ill give it a go thanks. EDIT: hate to bump this but i was hoping for some more help i got my sea looking okay but in trying to build the first ship i have a couple of problems one is that to make a realistic shape whole sections of the hull dissapear once i load the map for testing (i am using vertex manipulation for shaping) and the other is what is the best way to add the water i learned the hard way never to carve.
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