Valve Hammer Editor 3.5.2 Created 11 years ago2013-06-04 11:40:20 UTC by The Mad Carrot The Mad Carrot

Created 11 years ago2013-06-04 11:40:20 UTC by The Mad Carrot The Mad Carrot

Posted 11 years ago2013-06-04 11:40:20 UTC Post #313818
So yesterday I started playing The Challenger Deep 2, and, as always, I go through the mod's readme text file for anything important. I found out that the author (DocRock) used Valve Hammer Editor 3.5.2 as the mapping tool. Wait. What?

Turns out that VHE 3.5.2 is an unofficial update based on the latest 3.5 beta released by Valve way back in... 2003? Not sure anymore, but this update has some neat new features. Go here to see the changes.

Vluzcans hacks are included but are not applied yet. Just run the executables and follow the instructions to apply the Hammer floating point patch and the Hammer grid hack patch.
User posted image
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-04 12:55:43 UTC Post #313819
Wait so this was done back in 2003 but none of us knew about it? Dammit TWHL!
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-04 13:18:12 UTC Post #313820
well I guess its just a modified version like everybody can do..
there is need different and better new features which I can't say now
there can be bug fixes but listen..

with new fgd files they erased or forgot to add some lines
I'm not talking with this one but its common mistake with updated fgd files (version, 2003-2001 updates)
here is the example;

[quote]@PointClass size(-24 -24 -4, 24 24 4) color(255 255 0) = info_node : "ai node"
hinttype(choices) : "Hint" : 0 = 
	  0 : "None"
	  1: "World: Door"
	  2: "World: Window"
	  3: "World: Button"
	  4: "World: Machinery"
	  5: "World: Ledge"
	  6: "World: Light Source"
	  7: "World: Heat Source"
	  8: "World: Blinking Light"
	  9: "World: Bright Colors"
	 10: "World: Human Blood Decal"
	 11: "World: Alien Blood Decal"
	300: "Stuka: Ceiling Perch"
	301: "Stuka: Landing spot"
activity(choices) : "Activity" : 45 =
	 0: "None"
	35: "Eat"
	45: "Inspect Ground"
	46: "Inspect Wall"

as you can see its sometimes important to set monsters node knowledge,
you can say to monsters "there is a door, press it and go inside"
but its not founded with new fgd files, I don't know if there is more mistakes but modifying fixes it

its from old halflife fgd file which used for Worldcraft 2.0 (1 april 1999)
now its very rare I think

My point is we need to understand what we got before what we are doing, so if you are happy with your hammer stay with it because its always gonna stay old game..
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-04 13:48:38 UTC Post #313821
Found that a long time ago on a Russian forum, but its not really much so i didn't bother.
Also, i found undownloadable file named VHE 3.6 on VulzaCNs site.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-04 21:19:39 UTC Post #313824
Are you talking about hlfx vhe?
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