hammer editor entity angle problems Created 8 years ago2016-08-20 19:32:49 UTC by hfc hfc

Created 8 years ago2016-08-20 19:32:49 UTC by hfc hfc

Posted 8 years ago2016-08-20 19:32:49 UTC Post #331326
always when i edit the angles of an entity for example adjust spotlight angle or info_player_deathmatch angle, it is resets and angles of my entity appears unadjusted after compiling. even when i open entity properties window it is resets the values before the compiling. what is the problem and how can i fix it? (im using windows 10).
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-20 21:06:09 UTC Post #331328
This is a known issue within the original Hammer, the best thing would be manually update the values "Pitch Yaw Roll" in the entity's properties and press ENTER to validate.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-20 21:18:47 UTC Post #331330
After typing in the angles into Pitch Yaw Roll (like 90 45 0) press Enter on your keyboard.

If the problem is still there, then turning off SmartEdit mode could help, maybe...

And if that doesn't work either, then check the .fgd file you're using. Who knows, it might have predefined angles (but the chance for that is 0.1%).

If you're mapping for GoldSRC, then you can switch to Hammer 3.4 and the 3.5.2 Beta, to see if it makes any difference.

And if none of that works, either wait for new answers, or switch to a new editor (for GoldSRC, use either Sledge Editor or J.A.C.K, and for Source you can use QuArK).
Edit: By the time I wrote this, someone already gave an answer (>XD)
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-20 23:01:48 UTC Post #331332
adjusting and pressing enter works sometimes.

deactivating smartedit, it is same.

fgd no angles in the fgd may be this is the problem there should be angle keys for every entity. but no predefined or undefined angle property at any entity in the fgd file.

i tried v3.4, v3.5.2. nothing changed. maybe this wont happen in sledge but i got another odd things in sledge. i dont remember now but i got.

i will now change my editor again and im going to another engines editors. there is always mapping error in my goldsource maps even after that years of learning goldsource. goldsource is wasting of precious time. yes exactly. i will go back while i can. i dont want to go out from threads subject but i m despaired because wasted years. i just noticed this is waste because i didnt go in that much goldsouce before. i hope you guys not gonna mad if i open "why you shouldnt start to goldsource modding" thread someday.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-21 00:15:18 UTC Post #331333
I've got a similar question right now.

Currently I'm having an Osprey model riding on an invisible train.

Is it possible with some entity to rotate the angle of the model as I can target only the invisible train for the route.

I'd like to simulate it crashing just as it was the case in Point of View there though they used the actual monster_osprey while I'm using the mini_osprey.mdl.

Any ideas?
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-21 00:49:12 UTC Post #331334
goldsource modding is always bad because should overcome some boundaries to make something creative on that.

what type of rotating do you want? constant rotation when riding on track? or rotating only when crashing moment?

btw it is not that similar question i think. and i was wondering that kind questions before. so should we make a private thread for that? if you make it send the link here than we can collect solutions for that or similar situations on that
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-21 01:07:03 UTC Post #331335
Never mind I solved it by creating a 2nd Osprey with the proper rotation set prior to the begin of the scene.

If you dislike Gold Source mapping so much why don't you do some mapping for Source Engine then or perhaps Unreal Tournament Engine? It's true that Gold Source but Source too for that matter are a true struggle to get along with. No other Engine for instance has this damn leak story and so on. It is what it is. An Ancient game engine that was made for a different time.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-21 02:07:24 UTC Post #331336
yes. source and goldsource engine's visual and physic calculations related. if you gonna make too complex geometry then your physics gonna mess. if you gonna make perfect calculated not messed physics then your visulas will mess. i was using goldsource because of it is easy. but altough ease i should altered my all designs to overcome engine boundaries just like all gold source mappers do. and always there is some leak or polygon splittling or other compiling problems but biggest mess is vertice coordinate errors, misshaped brushes and so on. am i silly because all compiling sessions results with chop my desing out. so my maps turns to a box. i started source mapping 2 days ago but there is similar dificulties. and started making unreal maps yesterday and it is too complex i think :( i should find another one :(
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-21 05:49:16 UTC Post #331338
When you switch from GoldSrc/Source/IdTech2 to Unreal, it is very hard.
Because Unreal doesn't use brushes, but rather depends on carving. Every room is carved into the space. You know, "subtractive" space. GoldSrc is "additive" space.

Now, talking about other engines, I'd recommend CryEngine 1. It is sure hard as hell, it was to me, but it's so powerful, and runs well on old PCs. Luckily, I started writing my "Tutorial Center" for it, so everyone can easily learn each part of it.

I mean, it is very hard, that's why you should not waste much time learning how it works, I mean there's scripting, and no Half-Life brushes. At least there's no leaks in CE.

About the compiling issues, I use J.A.C.K, and the VHLT compiling tools. Never gave me a problem.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-21 09:08:24 UTC Post #331340
looks like you are knowing much or less with other engines. i don't even know about source because i just wasted my time with mainly GS and now i cant even make an useful thing with that.

since i cant make maps on GS even after that learning period this means i am silly and GS doesnt make me satisfied enough. yes i just realized i was spend that years with making boxy maps and the result is now i cant make any maps with shapes that required to make. what a waste of time. not my fault but valve's fault. they shouldn't use quake engine they rewrote the most parts of it anyway. they should make nicer engine.

id like to see your tutorials, maybe CE will satisfy me or not i dont know.

as a person who wasted years i suggest you dont be quick on the tutorials. search well for other's tutorials if somebody included some parts that you want to make tutorial on it then dont write full tutorial on that just cover some missing part of his tutorial. and include your tutorial with his tutorial on your center. there is no room for wasting time. still maybe i am wrong and obsolete on that suggestion because i dont know what you exactly making. you know better what you are trying to make. goodluck on that :)

i cant make maps with my requirements in hammer. and there is some difficulties on sledge for me. my last chance is to use J.A.C.K i hope it will help me on my designs. i guess it will not make problems on entity angles.

btw i wasnt aware what other engines works like such as substractive. i dont even know what is unreal like and being only in GS modding is narrowing knowledge it is not good at all.
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