custom blood colours Created 6 years ago2019-01-04 07:08:40 UTC by tschumann tschumann

Created 6 years ago2019-01-04 07:08:40 UTC by tschumann tschumann

Posted 6 years ago2019-01-04 07:08:40 UTC Post #341540
So it looks like blood colours actually come from palette.lmp and BLOOD_COLOR_RED/BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW/BLOOD_COLOR_GREEN are palette indices?
Has anyone played around with palette.lmp? Is it used for anything more than blood colour?
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-04 08:28:36 UTC Post #341541
AFAIK nope, I thought blood's color was a RGB value at first, welp, you learn something new everyday.
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-04 13:18:24 UTC Post #341542
It's used for particles as well if i'm not mistaken.
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-04 22:10:46 UTC Post #341544
green blood color is yellow.

i assume palette lmp is a color palette where it is used by engine codes to make particles.

such as tracer color
(google bullet tracer)


and the falling black particles when you shoot a wall.

and quake style particles
(not used much in hl1)
but you can activate it by game code
(such as quake 1 style explosion,q1 smoke trace, q1 blue explosion, q1 poison dart trails etc.)

and yellow particles around models when they spawned in bsp brush
(i assume its a debugging feature can be activated in console. enter "developer 2" to console then start map c4a1, or enter console "impulse 76" to see its effects)
(it is also some sort of quake 1 style particle)

thats all i remember for now

also a post by me about blood color

also for more imformation about quake style particles check these links


tar explosion(quakes blue things explosion type

game codes

also you can see particle example on the gif in the examples link(yellow particles falling when a grenade explodes)
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-04 23:34:08 UTC Post #341545
Ah yep, all the things in efx_api_t that take a colour number too, and all the Quake-style particles I guess.
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-05 01:18:28 UTC Post #341547
let us know if you starting to code or modify about these stuff.

we may help about how to code new particle codes.

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