trigger_changelevel @ c1a1d Created 5 months ago2023-11-08 23:49:53 UTC by uNdead uNdead

Created 5 months ago2023-11-08 23:49:53 UTC by uNdead uNdead

Posted 5 months ago2023-11-08 23:49:53 UTC Post #348002
Hello everyone! I'm currently working on implementing proper level transitioning for Half-Life while in Multiplayer mode.
One funny or annoying thing that I found is that the trigger changelevel on c1a1d for some reason prompts the game to changelevel to c1a1c? Is there anyone here who has any idea as to what's going on?My code simply replaces changelevel2 with changelevel and sets the player position according to the landmark offsets..
Any input appreciated thanks
Posted 5 months ago2023-11-09 01:56:28 UTC Post #348005
The rest of the triggers work fine SO FAR:
Posted 5 months ago2023-11-09 05:22:41 UTC Post #348007
Both changelevels of c1a1d points back to c1a1c.
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User posted image
Your implementation must have made the wrong assumptions.
Posted 5 months ago2023-11-09 21:50:32 UTC Post #348008
But how do you get to the next map then? That's confusing
Posted 5 months ago2023-11-09 22:02:08 UTC Post #348010
You get to the next map via an elevator I think? This is just before Office Complex yeah.

What ends up happening is you're going between 2 maps that depict basically the same area, you just kinda do a "U-turn" in terms of levelchanges to get to the other side of the (destroyed) bridge in map 1.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 5 months ago2023-11-09 22:48:50 UTC Post #348011
Yeah but the trigger changelevel is on the way that takes me back to c1a1c and I can't progress in this case, I noclipped past that trigger and that tunnel is cut which I think it is continued on some other map, maybe it is built in some place on c1a1c that your supposed to spawn on? I coudn't find it though. Elevator yes your right it takes you to the c1a2 map but how do you get to the elevator when your teleported back to c1a1c if you walk into that trigger
Posted 5 months ago2023-11-09 23:00:28 UTC Post #348012
A map can have multiple level changes to the same level. In this case both the previous and next map are the same and you enter through a different level change. Your code needs to account for that.
Posted 5 months ago2023-11-10 00:16:59 UTC Post #348014
So it transitions you to the previous map but to another location?
Posted 5 months ago2023-11-10 04:05:18 UTC Post #348015
Okay I fixed it, my knowledge of how info_landmark works lacked a bit
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