Laggy map Created 20 years ago2004-05-24 09:03:19 UTC by PainE PainE

Created 20 years ago2004-05-24 09:03:19 UTC by PainE PainE

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 09:03:19 UTC Post #28482
Why is my map so laggy? Some help would be nice.
here's the link:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 09:25:59 UTC Post #28484
Just as I though when I read your post, you have a leak in your level. A hole that leads into the void outside.

I quickly found a leak (it may not be the only one, but OK). In the room with the ladder (or so it looks, it's a deadend room), you go up the small stairs. Then, on your right, look at the ceiling. You can see a small leak there.

When you fixed all of your leaks, your map will go trough the HLVIS and HLRAD process. HLVIS does some processing so HL knows what it has to render and what not, e.g. what can be seen at that moment and what not. At this moment, everything is rendered even whn you can't see it. HLRAD does the light processing. It won't look full-bright anymore then (IF you've put in lights off-course!).
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 08:11:28 UTC Post #28880
Someone wanna find and fix the leaks for me?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 08:29:23 UTC Post #28882
No offence, but that is a considerabally boring task for many members here. Why not do it yourself? When your in your map type 'pointfile' into the console (you might want to type 'gl_clear 1' if your using OpenGl mode). A series of dots will appear. Trace the dots. Whenever it intersects through a brush is a leak. Open Hammer and fix em!
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 11:11:46 UTC Post #28893
Learn to fix leaks yourself, and even better, learn to avoid them. That's the way you get experience, just doing it... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 11:32:21 UTC Post #28896
never take snap to grid off is my solution. then just always make sure the brushes join up. if u need to make a smaller object use the [ and ] keys to change the grid size. should turn out with no leaks. none. diddlysquat. not a sausage.
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