Door trouble, sorta.. Created 20 years ago2004-05-27 08:14:35 UTC by umbrood umbrood

Created 20 years ago2004-05-27 08:14:35 UTC by umbrood umbrood

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 08:14:35 UTC Post #28881
The situation:

I have a pyramid, now I want this pyramid top open up letting loose its contents. A few problems arise.

The sides are aligned 45 degress to any axis, meaning neither of the x or y will work, nor will it work if i box both X and Y.

Any suggestions?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 11:10:17 UTC Post #28891
Align the sides of the piramid normal to the axis?

Yes, the axis rotation system in HL is very simple. There seems no way around this. Unless you use models and trigger their animations but then again, it's a bit hard to do the clipping for that too...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 13:16:50 UTC Post #28914
Make the door go sideways - doesnt look too good, but hey, it works ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 18:23:50 UTC Post #28979
Use func_door rotating and place the origin brush where you want the 'hinge' to be. Then mess with the "Pitch yaw roll" property. It's tricky as hell, and hard to explain. If you played Minimicus and saw the laser unit swing down from the ceiling at the end, I think that is similar to what you are trying to do. It swings down at a 45 degree angle from one corner. In the rmf, the x axis is ticked, the laser unit (func_door_rotating) is placed at a 45 degree angle (in top view) from where it shows up in the compiled version; and the pitch/yaw/roll property is set at 0 315 0. I have no idea why I had to set it up this way to get it to work; it took me two days to get it right. If your map is big, set up a test map with just the pyramid in order to get it working.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 21:31:54 UTC Post #28995
Thanks all.

Yes Slayer thats exactly what I am trying to do, allthough from the ground level. I have been trying the trial and error thing but no matter how I do it will only swing along any of the 3 axises, how you managed that is beyond me. :)

I simply gave in and rotated the whole thing 45 degrees, had no major impact on gameplay but it hurt the overall feel of the thing, but I assume the only one hurt will be me, as I am the only one who knows how it was intended to be.

Any chance we have a master of pitch/yaw/roll somewere around that can explain? :)

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